Release date: 2016-08-04

Scientists at Drexel University in Philadelphia have created a unique technology in which they create nano-robots that deliver drugs through the blood vessels to the organs and tissues that need treatment.
The spherical robot can diffuse in the liquid medium at a sufficiently high speed with the help of a magnetic field.
Experts have successfully created a glass bead-sized body structure. It is reported that drugs can be transmitted to the pain points through them and take effect immediately; thanks to this, the patient's recovery process will be much faster.
The movement of the robot is based on an external magnetic field. In the course of experiments conducted by experts, the fastest speed of the 13nm robot is 17.85 microns per second.
According to experts, with the help of these nano-robots, we will be able to clean veins and arteries that are blocked by cholesterol plaques or sticky blood cells in the future. In addition, experts can use them during surgery.
Source: Technology World Network
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