Analog Devices, Inc. recently launched 24 simultaneous sampling ADC Sigma-Delta type series can be used for wide bandwidth, high-density instrumentation, energy and health care equipment. Each channel of the new AD7768 family integrates a power-scalable modulator and digital filter for simultaneous and accurate measurement of AC and DC signals in instrumentation applications—including modulator data acquisition, audio testing, and asset status monitoring. With high throughput rates, fast settling response times, and simultaneous sampling, the AD7768 family enables faster test times, lowers test costs, and supports more efficient instrumentation designs. The high channel count of the AD7768 family provides a way to maximize channel density and maintain low power consumption and high input bandwidth for healthcare devices such as clinical vital sign monitoring devices. The latest converters also feature the ability to detect harmonic distortion in a wider bandwidth, detect and diagnose grid imbalances, and improve power quality monitoring. A single converter family can be used across multiple device platforms, performance points and measurement ranges, and its scalable, easy-to-configure layout allows system designers to save more time and cost.
Sigma-Delta ADC Improves Signal Quality Monitoring in Instrumentation, Energy, and Healthcare Applications
The 24-bit, 8-channel AD7768 and 24-bit, 4-channel AD7768-4 offer 6 dB dynamic range advantages over the most competitive products and offer the industry's best integral nonlinearity over the widest available bandwidth. (INL) performance, while the offset performance is increased by 10 times, the gain error is reduced by 30 times, and the gain offset performance is increased by 2 times.
Quotation and supply
Can be used directly to maintain the integrity of cell morphology Guidelines recommend cell preservation fluids for sample preservation and transport. It can be used for sputum, bronchoscopic alveolar lavage fluid, pleural fluid and other liquid samples.
Sample storage tubes,Medical disposable storage tubes,Disposable medical consumables
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