More than 100 kinds of proteins that inhibit excessive brain excitation
September 14, 2016 Source: Technology Daily
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Synapses are the key parts of neuronal communication and information transmission. According to their influence on neuronal activity, they can be divided into excitatory synapses and inhibitory synapses. In the past, scientists have long believed that inhibitory synapses are simpler than excitatory synapses because of the relatively small number of protein species in these synaptic structures. Previously, scientists have found about 40 proteins in inhibitory synapses that not only play a key role in preventing excessive brain excitation, but also shape the pattern of brain signals.
The Duke University researchers used BioID biometrics to identify proteins in the mouse brain's inhibitory synapses using a bacterial enzyme, and found 140 new proteins. “In the past 50 years, these proteins have been locked into safes, and today we have opened the safes.†The researchers described the discovery that surprised them.
Genome-wide association studies have shown that 27 of these proteins are associated with autism, mental retardation, and epilepsy. Studies of these protein mechanisms may provide new avenues for understanding and treating these diseases.
Although the researchers know the function of most proteins, the function of the two proteins is unclear, even if the genome sequencing did not provide relevant clues. The researchers named the two proteins inhibitory synapse 1 (InSyn1) and inhibitory synapse 2 (InSyn2). Studies have found that decreased levels of InSyn1 protein in neurons cause excessive excitation of surrounding brain tissue, suggesting that this protein plays a very important role in the normal function of inhibitory synapses.
The researchers point out that the new findings show that the brain is far more complex than we think. The discovery of such a variety of proteins in inhibitory synapses provides a good clue for the future treatment of brain diseases such as epilepsy and the study of long-term memory formation.
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