Rejection of drought
Maize ear stage consumes the largest amount of water and accounts for 30%~35% of the total water consumption of a lifetime. The tasseling period has the largest water intensity and is the critical period of corn water demand. Drought and water shortage will cause different degrees of production cuts, and even severe harvesting. Affect production. When the relative water content of the soil is less than 70%, it is necessary to water in a timely manner so as to avoid a decrease in production due to drought.
Supplement fertilizer
The spike period is the period in which corn needs the most amount of fertilizer and the maximum fertility is needed. It is necessary to top-dress fertilizer according to the situation. For defertilized corn, grain fertilizer is generally applied in the tasseling to silking stage. Nitrogen is the main fertilizer, and about 10 kilograms of urea is applied per acre, which can promote grain filling and increase seed setting rate and grain weight.
Remove empty stalks
Empty stalked plants affect the air and light in the field, compete with normal plants for water and nutrients, and consume nutrients. They may also spread diseases and seriously affect yield, and should be removed as soon as possible. In addition to the upper ear, the corn plants are slow in the development of the second and third ear. In addition to special varieties, under normal circumstances such spikelets are not strong, and such “sticks†should also be removed to reduce nutrient ineffective consumption. The main spike is full, with large and large grains, full grain and increased yield. In addition to removing empty stalks and “sticksâ€, we must also take into consideration the removal of diseased plants to reduce the spread of pests and diseases.
The cultivator can improve soil permeability, fertilizer and water supply, promote root development, and remove weeds. Earthing can increase the formation of aerial roots of corn and enhance the lodging resistance of corn. Due to the windy autumn, it is easy to cause corn lodging. Therefore, after the topdressing of corn, soil should be cultivated in time to prevent lodging.
Pest control
The common diseases and pests in late corn are stalk rot, leaf spot, smut, corn borer, armyworm, aphid, etc., and they must be actively controlled. For the armyworm, it can be sprayed with Azide salt, Bacillus thuringiensis, or KK, etc. In severe cases, intervals of 7 to 10 fields, and even spray 2 to 3 times. For corn leaf spot, spraying can be performed with 5% chlorothalonil or 75% mancozeb, 70% thiophanate-methyl, and the like. Spraying can be combined with potassium dihydrogen phosphate to prevent premature aging.
Scheduled late
The promotion of proper late harvesting technology can ensure that corn has sufficient grouting time and is an effective measure to increase grain weight and increase production and income. The criteria for maturation of corn are whitening, dryness and looseness of the leaves of the ear. The disappearance of the milk line and the graininess of the grains are the highest. This technique does not require any additional cost. Experiments have shown that the average grain weight per one-day harvest is increased. 3 grams or so.
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