The first cancer patient successfully implanted 3D printed sternum and ribs

Recently, the 54-year-old cancer patient in Spain has received extensive attention for the treatment of 3D printed implants. It is understood that the patient has chest wall sarcoma, cancer cells have eroded his sternum and part of the ribs, which requires sternal rib resection, but the removal of these bones will create a series of problems, such as implants Replace the bones.

The first cancer patient successfully implanted 3D printed sternum and ribs

This time, the medical team decided to replace the traditional implant with a 3D printed implant, which can completely determine the therapeutic effect of the implant. Furthermore, the speed of 3D printing is faster, which can reduce the spread of cancer cells in the patient. time. So the doctors began to conduct research at the Medical University of Salamanca, Spain to ensure the feasibility of 3D printed implants.

“The sternum and ribs make up a very complex system, but 3D printing technology can easily solve this problem.” The medical staff explained, “We scan the patient's body for relevant data and send it to the Australian medical device company. Create 3D prints."

The first cancer patient successfully implanted 3D printed sternum and ribs

The reporter learned that Salamanca Medical University wrote in a statement, "Perhaps, our laboratory can create a new type of implant, we can also completely customize a complex structural model of the sternum rib, but In view of providing patients with a safer and faster recovery option, we decided to hand over the task of 3D printing to Australian medical device companies."

The first cancer patient successfully implanted 3D printed sternum and ribs

Finally, the implant is printed by the LAB22 laboratory's Arcam printer, layered by melting titanium metal, and vacuumed with additional powder, and the printed implant is cleaned and used directly in surgery.

Today, the cancer patient who has been treated with a 3D printed implant has been discharged and recovered very well.

For more details, visit the 2015 China 3D Printing Online Exhibition .

The first cancer patient successfully implanted 3D printed sternum and ribs

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