Panoramic Tissue Cellular Quantitative Analysis System for Prostate Cancer and Lung Cancer

TG's panoramic tissue cell quantitative analysis system truly achieves single cell quantitative analysis. As the only manufacturer of tissue cell quantitative analysis systems based on computer digital pathology diagnosis and research in Europe, TG joined the AIDPATH project of the EU's seventh framework structure in 2013. The goal of the project is to establish world-class digital pathology and diagnostic methods and counts, and apply the final results to clinical trials. The company is willing to bring the most advanced technology to the world, so that more experts and scholars can apply more precise experimental programs.

Application of TG products in the direction of tumors:

I recently discovered the factor IL-6 that inhibits prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a common disease in men. IL-6 is an important cytokine in regulating cell cycle survival and tumor growth. STAT3 regulates ARF expression and has an inhibitory effect on prostate cancer spread. The article was published in the July 2015 issue of Nature Communications.
Extremely active IL-6 contributes to the spread of cancer and the substance controls the development of the oncogenic factor STAT3. In theory, P19ARF directly targets STAT3. Inactivation of STAT3 or IL-6 signaling in PTEN-deficient prostate cancer-bearing mice can accelerate cancer progression leading to cancer cell metastasis.
Therefore, many drugs that are medically resistant to cancer are based on inhibition of IL-6 or STAT3. But this method is the opposite in the treatment of prostate cancer.

d: WT, IL-6/, Ptenpc/ and Ptenpc/IL-6/ Histopathological analysis of 38-week liver and prostate cancer haematoxilim/eosin stained sections.
f: The right histogram shows the ratio of positive cells of Ki-67 to CC3. Proteins were quantified using TissueGQuest's HistoQuest software (n=5).

Professor Kenner cooperated with Austrian Tissue Gnostics to scan and use the panoramic scanning seamless stitching technology to obtain high resolution images. In the aspect of analysis, HistoQuest software was used to provide quantitative data analysis results in the form of histograms showing positive cells.
Professor Kenner and his team found that STAT3 activated in prostate cancer inhibits cell growth. This substance is capable of blocking cell division and thereby inhibiting the growth of the p14ARF gene. Using preclinical model bio-knockout mice, the IL-6/STAT3 signaling pathway is linked to ARF (ARF is an important gene that regulates cell cycle and determines cell growth). Dr. Pencik of the Ludwig Boltzmann Cancer Institute explained that the findings explain the mechanisms of metastasis regulation of prostate cancer.

II novel inhibitor of cancer cell growth factor STAT3

Lung cancer is one of the common cancers that cause death. Since there is no effective way to cure lung cancer caused by smoking so far, the exploration in this field is urgently needed. Professor Beatrice Grabner et al. found that STAT3 has an important role in the inhibition of lung cancer in model mice. The findings were published in the March 2015 issue of Nature Communications. In-depth study of activated signaling pathways can serve as a new approach to targeted treatment of lung cancer, and this signaling pathway may become a potential new therapeutic approach in the future. Blocking the transmission of the transcription factor STAT3, which accelerates cancer cell growth in a variety of cancers (eg, leukemia, rectal cancer), has become a clinically important research direction.
Through Professor Grabner, Professor Casanova and foreign scientists at the Ludwig Boltzmann Cancer Institute in Vienna, we were surprised to find that STAT3 is important in inhibiting lung cancer in model mice. When the STAT3 signal is blocked, the rate of tumor deterioration accelerates.

b: Tumor cells were determined using CD31+ per mm2 of tumor area. At least 3 tumor areas in each model mouse were analyzed (4-7 mice replicates per group). The result is shown in the figure.

In collaboration with Austrian TissueGnstics, quantitative analysis of tumor invasion, analysis of blood flow parameters and detection of protein activity in lung cancer, using TissueFAXS, HistoQuest and TissueQuest software, respectively. The article, published in the latest issue of Nature Communications, reveals that the safety of methods that rely on blocking STAT3 signaling to cure cancer remains to be confirmed, such as accelerating disease progression and reducing survival, so we need to take further attention to STAT3. And studies to determine the safety of STAT3 treatments.

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