One, reasonable stay melon
In order to increase the yield, many vegetable farmers leave a piece of melon at two leaves. However, because the nutrition of the leaves can not meet the needs of the growth of the melon, the melon strips grow slowly, there are many malformations, and the price is low. Moreover, if too many melons are sitting at one time, the nutrient consumption is too large and the plants grow weaker, but the yield is even lower. The author suggests that the vegetable farmers should adjust the amount of melons according to the weather conditions. It is reasonable to leave a melon every three or four leaves.
Another point that needs special attention is that falling must not be too low. A relatively high-yield cucumber plant requires functional leaves between 16-20. This requires the height of the cucumber to be maintained above 1.6 meters. If the stem is too low, the functional leaves are not enough and the photosynthate will be insufficient.
Second, reasonable flowers
Giving flowers to cucumbers can preserve and protect fruits, reduce the incidence of teratogenic fruits, increase yield, and improve quality. However, many vegetable farmers do not have a good grasp of the technology of thistle.
First of all, time is inaccurate. Premature flowering is too early, that is when the cucumber just saw buds, it was easy to "dumb", that is, flowers can not be opened. If the flowers are too late, the cucumber flowers will fall off easily, failing to meet the standards of fresh flowers and cucumbers. The correct time for flowering is when the cucumber flower is slightly yellow and not green.
Second, the amount is too large. When culturing flowers, we must pay attention to the amount of liquid used should not be too large, to avoid dripping plant growth points or leaves, the occurrence of hormonal poisoning. If the medicine droplets fall onto the tender shoots, young leaves and growing points of the cucumber, atrophy poisoning phenomenon will soon appear, resulting in phytotoxicity.
Again, the parts of cucumbers are unreasonable. Some vegetable farmers only pick cucumbers when picking cucumbers. Cucumbers are prone to malformed melons, and flowers are easy to fall off. Pharmacy can not always reach the melon root, or the agent through the roots to the plant itself, easily lead to hormonal intoxication. It is advisable to pick up 2/3 of the melons.
Third, reasonable "high temperature melon"
The optimum temperature for the growth and development of cucumber during the fruiting period is 25°C-30°C. The growth of cucumber over 35°C will be inhibited. However, under the conditions of high humidity and high carbon dioxide concentration in greenhouses, the optimum temperature for cucumber photosynthesis is as high as 38°C. Therefore, under the conditions of high carbon dioxide concentration in the shed, an appropriate increase in the shed temperature is conducive to photosynthesis, known as "high temperature melon."
In the greenhouse, the temperature in the upper and middle parts of the plant is not the same. In general, the middle leaf is the main force of photosynthesis, and the temperature adjustment should be based on the middle leaf. In winter, in order to achieve optimal management of temperature and carbon dioxide, it is recommended that the vegetable farmers be ventilated in batches. In the morning of the sunny day, the draft was drawn for about one hour, and the first ventilation was performed. A small ventilation opening about 5 cm wide was used to supplement the carbon dioxide in the shed and ensure the temperature in the shed. The outlet was closed in about half an hour. If the temperature does not exceed 30°C, ventilate once every half hour or so to ensure the supply of carbon dioxide in the shed. If the temperature in the shed exceeds 33°C, increase the ventilation and maintain the shed temperature at 30°C-33°C. In addition, vegetable growers also need to wipe the shed film or set dust strips to improve the transparency of the shed film and increase the light intensity.
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