Toothbrush will have new national standards

Toothbrush will have new national standards

November 26, 2015 Source: Xinhuanet

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On the 25th, the National Standards Committee publicly solicited opinions on the mandatory national standards for the General Technical Requirements for the Safety of Toothbrushes and Oral Appliances.

The new standard applies to the general technical requirements for safety of toothbrushes and daily oral care products. The toothbrush products mainly include six types of adult toothbrushes, children's toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes, and antibacterial toothbrushes; daily oral care and care appliances include tongue scrapers, dental floss, toothpicks, and infant molars. The standard limits the amount of plasticizer in the toothbrush and the daily cavity cleaning care device, the elemental content of the soluble compound, and the like.

At present, there are nearly 1,000 enterprises producing toothbrushes and daily oral cleaning appliances in China, with an annual output of 7 billion, an output value of nearly 11.8 billion yuan, an export volume of about 4.4 billion, and an export value of nearly 3.7 billion yuan. The formulation of this standard will further improve the product performance and safety requirements of related products, and guide the development of the industry.

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