Common Mistakes in Using Laboratory Automatic Bottle Washers

With the development of society, more and more laboratories began to use automatic bottle washers to clean laboratory glassware. The automatic cleaning process provides the best protection for glass devices, laboratory equipment and operators. Automated processing of machines makes it easier to standardize, validate and save records. Large automatic washing machines can process glassware in batches, greatly improving the efficiency of cleaning and reducing the labor intensity of operators. It gives researchers more valuable time to deal with other important tasks.

During the process of communicating with the lab users, we also found a lot of misunderstandings about using automatic bottle washers. We hope to share and discuss with you.

Myth #1: The automatic bottle washer is a powerful device, so any glassware can be washed.

Since the automatic washing machine can clean large quantities of glassware of the same/near size at a time, for example, a large automatic bottle washing machine can clean 300 or more petri dishes at a time, more than 1000 test tubes, or dozens of volumetric flasks. Considering that the glassware in the laboratory has different structures, sizes and capacities, if the glassware can be properly classified, the appropriate device holder can be selected to maximize the powerful cleaning ability of the automatic cleaning machine.

Some shapes or small vessels or parts that use other cleaning methods, such as ultrasound, may be more efficient and effective.

If the residue contains proteins that will solidify when heated, special care must be taken when using an automatic cleaner. The protein needs to be cleaned at room temperature before heating. However, there is still the possibility that the protein adheres to the inner surface of the device or the surface of the device after solidification, which is very troublesome to clean. A similar situation is also a very adherent polymer or the like. In this case, proper pre-processing may be necessary.

In addition, due to the limitations of the scope of application of cleaning equipment and water-based cleaning agents, some water-based cleaning agents cannot wet insoluble or dissolved hard-to-soluble residues. For example, some tests require the use of strong oxidizing acids to digest samples at high temperatures. Complex insoluble materials cannot be cleaned by an automatic washer.

Misunderstanding 2: The automatic cleaning machine has strong cleaning ability, pressure, spray and circulation. It can be used to prepare the cleaning solution without using special cleaning agent .

The well-designed automatic washer features a powerful circulation pump and a well-designed nozzle that sprays the cleaning solution evenly and continuously onto the surface of the device to remove residue. It is possible to wash away a lot of residue by the heat, the solubility of the water itself on the residue and the spray pressure. However, due to the large surface tension of water, the cleaning ability of pure water is limited for some tiny particles and organic substances that are poorly soluble in water. Due to the action of the automatic cleaning machine, such as circulation, spraying, etc., the common cleaning agent contains a surfactant, which will form a large amount of foam. These foams can spill over on the one hand and can cause damage to the circulation pump on the other hand, so the automatic cleaning machine can only use non-foaming or low-foam cleaning agents. The special cleaning agent not only contains a base or an acid, but also a plurality of active substances such as a chelating agent and a complexing agent, and the synergistic action of these active substances can better dissolve and disperse the residue. In addition, the cleaning solution must not only have the ability to remove residues, but also damage the surface and piping of the equipment. When the equipment manufacturer recommends the cleaning agent, it has undergone careful testing and evaluation to confirm that it can meet the requirements of all aspects. If you don't understand the material properties of the equipment, it will easily lead to equipment damage, which will not be worth the loss. The choice of a stable, high-quality, special-purpose cleaner not only maximizes the potential of the equipment, extends the life of the equipment, but also ensures maximum stability and repeatability of the cleaning process.

Myth: simple automatic washing machine operation, the operator without the need of specialized training.

With the continuous development of automatic control technology and programming technology, the control system of the automatic cleaning machine is more and more intelligent, and the human-machine interface is more and more friendly. The operation of the automatic cleaning machine is simple, and sometimes it is only necessary to press the power switch, and a complete set of cleaning tasks from pre-cleaning to drying can be completed by pressing the start. indeed so. However, the automatic washing machine is, after all, a complex electrical device. How to use, maintain and maintain requires special training to ensure the safety of the equipment and operators. Most automatic washers have programming functions that allow you to set different cleaning and rinsing procedures, as well as parameters such as cleaning temperature and cleaning time, depending on the type of object being cleaned and the type of residue. If the operator receives special training, he can track all the cleaning parameters according to his actual situation and continuously optimize the process conditions to improve cleaning efficiency, reduce cleaning agent consumption and reduce energy consumption.

Myth 4: The automatic washing machine is made of stainless steel and is durable and requires no regular maintenance.

Automatic cleaning machines require good resistance to various chemicals due to frequent contact with acids and bases, and are usually made of high-performance stainless steel. Despite this, regular maintenance of the equipment is still necessary. It ensures that the device is ready for use and extends the life of the device. This is because some frequently rotating parts, such as peristaltic pumps and their hoses, circulation pumps, etc., require periodic inspections and replacement of parts to ensure that the cleaning agent can be properly inhaled and the equipment is functioning properly at the set values. Long-term shutdowns may also result in failure of certain valves or contamination of pipes by impurities. Such maintenance work can be done by an internal equipment engineer or outsourced to the equipment manufacturer. Regular maintenance of the automatic washing machine is beneficial to the long-term and efficient use of the equipment and the maximum value of the equipment.

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