Prevention and Control of Common Diseases of Cucumber During Its Growth Period

1. Adopt ecological control measures to control the room temperature and humidity to prevent the formation of water droplets by the condensation of the greenhouse film and block the infection pathway.

2, selection of anti-resistant, disease-resistant varieties: to improve the cultivation techniques, to maintain appropriate density between plants, in order to facilitate ventilation: timely cultivation of weeds to remove the diseased fruit, diseased leaves, diseased flowers, flowering period to control the watering period.

3, early onset, downy mildew with 500 times the Anke manganese zinc or 500-600 times the frost or Polaroid 600-800 times, with a watering can spray to the back of the leaf, even against 2-3 times: black spots disease Regional quarantine objects, under the premise of strengthening plant quarantine, can be sprayed with Buster's 800-times solution to prevent it from occurring 3 to 4 times: at the beginning of the onset of gray mold, 50% quick-inking WP 2000 times, or 50% flutter Hydrin WP 1800 times, spray once every 7-10 days, continuous control 3-4 times, when spraying should pay attention to protect the fruit, if mixed with Sclerotinia, may consider the use of aerosols to prevent increase in humidity, Worse.

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