Leukemia can spread to the brain through a new path
July 19, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily
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Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a malignant neoplastic disease in which B-lineage or T-lineage cells originating from lymphocytes are abnormally proliferated in the bone marrow. This abnormally proliferating primordial cells can aggregate in the bone marrow and inhibit normal hematopoietic function. At present, its etiology and pathogenesis are not fully understood, but it is known to frequently metastasize to the central nervous system. Unlike solid tumor brain metastases, ALL only metastasizes to the pia mater that is less susceptible to cancer cell infiltration. Although all subtypes of leukemia have characteristics of metastasis to the central nervous system, scientists have long been unclear about the unified mechanism of this infiltration.
This time, Dorothy Spurgeon, a researcher at Duke University, and colleagues confirmed that ALL cells migrate with blood vessels between the lumbar or skull bone marrow and the subarachnoid space. During this process, integrin expressed by ALL cells mediates the binding of cancer cells to the basement membrane of these blood vessels, and intervention in this combination can reduce the occurrence of brain metastasis.
The team believes that understanding the interaction between normal blood cells and cancer cells and blood vessels helps to find more intervention targets to treat cancer cells infiltrating the central nervous system. In the accompanying news and opinion article, Frank Winkler, a scientist at the University Hospital of Heidelberg, Germany, pointed out that this unique path of ALL brain metastasis is related to immune surveillance or inflammatory processes and further research is needed.
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