Neural interface helps restore prosthetic sensation

Release date: 2018-06-07

Science·Transformation Medicine

Amputation cuts off bones, nerves, and muscles used for limb movement, limiting the ability of the amputee to sense and control the prosthesis. Researchers such as Hugh Hull of the High-end Bionics Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab tested the autologous muscle-nerve interface of subjects under the knee. Subjects who received the agonist-antagonist neural interface showed stronger joint control and reflex behavior during stair walking compared to four subjects with conventional amputation. The subject noted that his residual limb was able to consciously activate muscle and his prosthetic movement without delay and showed a strong sense of prosthetic recognition. Studies have shown that the agonist-antagonist neural interface can help restore the natural feel of the prosthetic joint.

Source: Technology Daily

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