How does autumn spinach safely pass winter?

Autumn spinach is the overwintering vegetable harvested in autumn sowing, from the end of November to the winter to return to green in early March, up to more than 100 days. In the long-term low temperature and dry conditions, how safe spinach winter?

Pouring frozen frozen water to seal the frozen water must be determined according to the amount of soil moisture poured without sealing the frozen water, generally the absolute water content of sandy loam is less than 15%, loam is less than 17%, when the clay is less than 20% should be sealed frozen water. The time for pouring the frozen water is that the soil can be defrosted during the day, frozen at night, and the amount of watering can not be too large or too small, generally it is advisable to connect the bottom pod.

The over-wintering of fertilizers for over-wintering can increase soil nutrient content and play a role in winter fertilizer use and promotion of weak growth. In particular, it is more important for less-fertilized, poorly-fertilized, and weak-seated vegetable plots. Therefore, should be combined with pouring frozen water topdressing overwintering fertilizer, usually mu urea 10 kg or ammonium sulfate 20 kg.

Covering the low temperature of cold protection is very unfavorable to the safe wintering of spinach seedlings. Covers should be covered with cold to ensure safe wintering of seedlings. Coverage can generally be carried out after all the soil in the plough layer is frozen. The cover is preferably farm-grown with organic matter and broken by fine mash. About 1,000 kg per mu can be applied. Http://Content/58b3a3a0-4891-4cbc-b81a-92be947ac7fa?cType=2


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