Vitamin D3 repairs cardiovascular system damage
February 07, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily
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In the latest study, the team led by Tados Mariinsky developed a unique measurement method and system using a nanosensor with a diameter of only one-thousandth of a human hair, and used it to trace vitamin D3 to a single endothelial cell. The influence of (an important regulatory part of the cardiovascular system). The study found that vitamin D3 is a potent stimulator of nitric oxide, a major signaling molecule that regulates blood flow and prevents cardiovascular system thrombosis, and can significantly reduce oxidative stress levels in the cardiovascular system.
Most importantly, studies have shown that vitamin D3 therapy can significantly repair the damage caused by high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, diabetes and other diseases to the cardiovascular system, while reducing the risk of heart attack.
"There are ways to recover damaged cardiovascular endothelial cells," said Mariinsky. Vitamin D3 does this. It's a very cheap way to repair cardiovascular systems. We don't have to develop new drugs. Because we already have it."
The new study is the first time scientists have discovered the molecular mechanism by which vitamin D3 repairs cardiovascular endothelial function. Although the study used a hypertensive cell model, vitamin D3 has a much broader impact on dysfunctional endothelium, and several cardiovascular diseases, particularly those associated with ischemic events, have found endothelial dysfunction. Therefore, the authors suggest that vitamin D3 may be clinically important in repairing cardiac dysfunction after a heart attack, capillary endothelium after stroke, diabetes, and atherosclerosis.
This recommendation has also been supported by several clinical studies. These studies suggest that if the dose of vitamin D3 is higher than the current dose of bone disease, it may be beneficial for the treatment of dysfunctional cardiovascular system. The latest research is published in the journal Nanomedicine.
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