The efficacy and role of bananas and nutritional value

Bananas are fruits that are often eaten in our lives because they are easy to eat, taste fragrant and have a good taste and are loved by everyone. Bananas originate in the south of Asia. Our country has had a history of cultivation for thousands of years. In the Han Dynasty, bananas were cultivated. At that time, it was called "sweet bananas." The history of banana cultivation in Africa was earlier than in China. It is said that the Greeks started eating bananas more than 4,000 years ago. According to legend, Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, gained wisdom because he ate bananas, and was thus hailed as "the fruit of wisdom."


Each 100 grams of banana contains the following nutrients:

Heat (kcal) 91.00

Fat (g) 0.20

Protein (g) 1.40

Dietary fiber (g) 1.20

Carotene (micrograms) 60.00

Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.04

Vitamin B1 (mg) 0.02

Vitamin E (mg) 0.24

Carbohydrates (g) 22.00

Vitamin A (micrograms) 10.00

Vitamin C (Milligrams) 8.00

Niacin (mg) 0.70

Potassium (mg) 256.00

Magnesium (mg) 43.00

Phosphorus (mg) 28.00

Calcium (mg) 7.00

Iodine (micrograms) 2.50

Selenium (microgram) 0.87

Sodium (mg) 0.80

Manganese (mg) 0.65

Iron (mg) 0.40

Zinc (mg) 0.18

Copper (mg) 0.14


Chinese medicine believes that bananas are sweet and cold, return to the spleen, stomach, and large intestine, and there are detoxification, diuretic swelling, and tocolysis.

Bananas help add energy

Banana's high calorie content, high sugar content, rich in various vitamins and minerals, can help with nutritional supplements and relieve fatigue. It is a good fruit for mental workers to supplement their nutrition, maintain physical strength, and improve their thinking.

Bananas help to lose weight

Bananas are high in calories, and one banana is equivalent to the calories of a half-bowl of rice. For people who lose weight, bananas are eaten with low-heat cereals and vegetables. This is a very delicious and convenient meal for weight loss.

Bananas help relieve emotions

Bananas contain substances that help the human brain produce serotonin, which can make people feel good, relieve pain and depression.


Bananas help prevent constipation

Bananas are rich in cellulose and can help stimulate bowel movements, increase stool volume, and help defecation.

Bananas help regulate blood pressure

Potassium in bananas helps lower blood pressure while helping to protect the arteries and help regulate blood pressure.

Bananas help strengthen physique

The proteins in bananas can stimulate the differentiation of T cells and enhance the body's immunity. Moreover, bananas can be easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Unlike other proteins, they are degraded and therefore have more anti-cancer effects.

Bananas help stomach

Bananas contain 5-hydroxytryptamine, a chemical that can prevent stomach ulcers, so it can relieve gastric acid irritation to gastric mucosa. It is an ideal diet for stomach patients.

Genetic Analyzer For MLPA

MLPA ( Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification) method detects multiple copy number changes of genes or loci sites. Nowadays, MLPA is used to check large numbers of hereditary disorders and tumour profiling.Since Dutch Scientist Jan Schouten first invented it, the MLPA method was first published in 2002 'Nucleic Acid Research'. The principle of the MLPA is to apply the specific probe design targeting a region of interest on each sample DNA. MLPA method consists of the following steps:

Denaturation > Hybridization Ligation > PCR MLPA Amplificons Capillary Electrophoresis >Data Analysis

Mlpa Principle

PCR reaction consists of the three steps: denaturation, primer annealing and primer elongation. Those steps of PCR amplification are repeated many times. The fluorescence-labeled primers, which will go through the capillary electrophoresis to pass a detector, are incorporated into the size of the amplification products. The measured fluorescence was visualized as a peak pattern, the so-called electropherogram. The raw data from the capillary electrophoresis analyzer forms the input of the MLPA analysis.

The genetic analyzers of Superyears Gene can be used not only for Sanger sequencing but also for fragment analysis. Fragment analysis First, it obtains the fluorescence-labelled DNA fragments, performs the capillary electrophoresis using a Genetic Analyzer and compares the sample's relative size standard with the designed size standard markers through the analysis software.

The genetic analyzer of Superyears Gene can be used in the capillary electrophoresis during the process of the MLPA experiment, and the data obtained can be used for (compatible) professional analysis software.

Genetic Analyzer For Mlpa,3130Xl Genetic Analyzer,Genetic Analyzer Capillary Electrophoresis,Genetic Analyzer Gene Sequencing Mlpa

Nanjing Superyears Gene Technology Co., Ltd. ,