What role does the humic acid chelating agent amino acid in foliar fertilizer play?

What is the role of humic acid, chelating agents, and amino acids contained in foliar fertilizers on the market?

Experts: Iron, manganese, copper, zinc, molybdenum and other elements are easily fixed in the soil and become substances that are difficult to be absorbed and utilized by crops. Humic acid or a chelating agent that immobilizes these metal ions so that it is not easily precipitated and fixed, thereby increasing the effectiveness of these nutrients in the micro-fertilizer and soil. Because of this, some products refer to chelating agents such as humic acid as "activators."

In addition to activating nutrients, high-molecular organic substances such as humic acid can provide nutrients to crops, improve crop resistance and improve soil. Amino acids are components of proteins that can be directly absorbed and utilized by crops to promote the growth and development of crops.

This article URL: What role does the humic acid chelating agent amino acid in foliar fertilizer play?

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