Winter Lamb Safety Management Relies on Survival Rate

First, the requirements of the shed

1. Do a good job of cold insulation. Lambslings should have good insulation properties and should be kept dry, clean and comfortable. Do not ignite an open flame in your home to prevent the lamb from getting pneumonia and other diseases due to smoke. When the wind is beautiful, the ewes and lambs can be suntanned outside the house, which is beneficial to the health of the ewes and lambs.

2. Keep the inside of the lambs' house clean and dry, and pay attention to hygiene when taking the product, and strictly sterilize the consignment equipment. The lamb must be allowed to eat colostrum within 3 days of birth, and the amount of milk should be balanced to prevent hunger and hunger. Due to the thicker colostrum, the mineral content, especially magnesium, is higher, and the lamb can promote the discharge of meconium after eating. Colostrum contains more antibodies that can produce immunity in lambs and reduce the incidence of epidemics. The artificially assisted sucking of the thin lambs is performed.

Second, the ewes care

1. Proximity period: Attention should be paid to the symptoms of the ewes, and the confinement work should be completed. The mucous around the newborn lambs and nose and the feces of the anus should be promptly removed, and the navel should be disinfected with 5% iodine. On the day after the lamb was born, it must be allowed to eat colostrum in order to facilitate the elimination of the fetus. When the ewes die or are deprived of milk, they may try to eat the young lambs of the colostrum of other ewes. The strong lambs themselves can suck milk, the weak lambs, or the primiparous ewes, and the lambs of the less-nurable ewes. Require manual feeding, that is, the ewes are placed in the mother's pen and the lambs are carried to the breasts. The lamb will suck the milk. Frailty should be fed once every 1-3 hours. After several times, the lamb will find her own ewes. When the ewes feed their lambs, they often sniff the lambs' tails to identify their own lambs. Therefore, lambs that are breast-feeding, multiple-natured, and other reasons that are breast-feeding to other ewes should be coated with ewes to recognize the lambs.

2. When you are lambs: You should normally be in a litter box or a special lamb production stall. Within 3 to 7 days after childbirth, the female lamb lives here to ensure that the lamb can eat colostrum, and make the mother's relatives, and know well. At the same time, it should be noted that the ewes at night do not press or squeeze the lamb when they rest.

Third, the lamb safety tube

1. The lamb eats colostrum after birth to enhance its immunity.

2. Within 12 hours of the birth of the lamb, the water was adjusted to streptomycin, 0.20 g/oral.

3. On the 7th day after childbirth, the ewes will be allowed to go outside to eat herbivores. At noon, the ewes will return to the lambs and return in the evening. Care should be taken to allow each lamb to find its own ewes, and the best conditions for the mother to feed for 15 to 20 days. When lambs are 15 to 20 days old, they must be trained to graze. For half-month old lambs, 50-75 grams of supplements are added daily. For 1 to 2 months old lambs, 100 grams are supplemented, and 2 to 3 months of age are supplemented by 200 grams. Mixtures, beans, bean cakes, corn, etc. as well, the hay should be chopped and fed in the trough, first feed the fine material, then feed the rough material, and feed the feed properly. To ensure that the lambs have enough drinking water, the lambs should perform activities on the playground every afternoon for a certain period of time.

4. Lamb weaning: The method must be weaned at 3 to 4 months of age. More than one weaning method is used, that is, the mother is divided into groups and no longer gregarious. After weaning, the ewes are removed and managed according to the gender and strength of the lambs.

5 timely castration, broken tail: non-species with lambs around the age of 4 weeks, you can castration, commonly used surgical methods and ligation. Tailings can be carried out 2 weeks after the lamb's birth. Commonly used methods include burning and breaking the tail and ligating the tail.

6. Regularly chase lambs to enhance their physique.

7. Observe carefully, make sure that the disease is discovered in time, and immediately isolate and treat:

1 dysentery: the effect of intravenous injection of chain toxin or tetracycline, or intramuscular injection of kainomycin, gentamicin, norfloxacin injection.

2 constipation: Oral food mother, multiple tablets, serious enema.

3 Pneumonia: The effect of intravenous tetracycline is very good, but be careful not to overdo it to prevent poisoning.

4 oral inflammation: mainly iodine glycerol treatment.

8. Timely deworming: Lambs before and after 2 months of age should be dewormed in vivo. This is one of the effective measures to increase the survival rate of lambs.




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