What kind of fruit is good for liver?
1, Apple
Apple is considered by Chinese medicine practitioners to have the effects of Shengjin, Runfei, liver protection, appetizer, antidiarrheal and laxative. There are grapefruit, its sexual sour, cold, non-toxic, can be phlegm and cough, Jianwei Xiaoshi, swelling and pain, flesh flavor sweet and sour taste.
Green apples are more conducive to teeth and bones, have the health benefits of nourishing and detoxifying rickets, and can fight depression, so it is more suitable for young people to eat. In addition, green apples can also promote the growth of teeth and bones to prevent gum bleeding.
The carotene contained in strawberry is an important substance for synthesizing vitamin A, and it has eyesight and nourishing effect. For those who have a strong liver, strawberry can both raise liver and is a master of anger. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, strawberries are cool, sweet and sour, they can nourish the liver, and because of the red heart, they can go to the heart of fire.
To choose strawberries, we must adhere to the principle of "three noes": We cannot pick out deformities, we cannot pick very big ones, and we cannot pick ones that are particularly red in color. It is best to choose a well-proportioned shape with a natural red color and a small circle of pale white fruit at the root leaves. Such strawberries can be kept in the refrigerator for two or three days.
3, Litchi
According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", litchi has the effect of strengthening the liver and strengthening the pancreas, which is rich in protein, vitamins, fats, citric acid, pectin, and phosphorus, iron and other beneficial ingredients, not only can be added to the body in time, But also has to promote smooth blood circulation, nourishing yin and liver function.
In general, it is not recommended to eat lychee in large quantities. If lychee is eaten, there is no symptom of getting lit or only mildly lit symptoms can be eaten properly. If you eat it and get angry, it's best not to eat it. When you eat lychee, you can drink hot-bean soup, chrysanthemum tea and other heat drugs, and appropriate to neutralize the heat of litchi.
4, pear
Pears, containing malic acid, citric acid, glucose, fructose, calcium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of vitamins, have throat fluid, lungs and cough, nourish the stomach and other functions. Pears also have the effect of lowering blood pressure and sedating heat. Hypertensive patients, if you have dizziness, palpitations and tinnitus, often eat pears, can reduce the symptoms. Pears are rich in sugars and vitamins, have liver protection and help digestion.
Pears have good effects on upper respiratory tract infections and constipation. Cooking pears or steaming them and adding some rock sugar can play a good role in nourishing the lungs and relieving cough. Cold stomach, diarrhea, try to avoid eating raw pears.
5, banana
Bananas are low-calorie, nutrient-rich fruits rich in protein, potassium, VA, VC, dietary fiber, and other beneficial ingredients that are beneficial in promoting liver cell repair and regeneration, improving immunity, and protecting the liver. of.
But you should be aware that unripe bananas can cause constipation to worsen. Everyone knows that bananas can help relieve constipation. This is limited to cooked bananas. Unripe bananas can actually worsen or cause constipation.
6, oranges
Institute experts pointed out that citrus is rich in carotenoids, and the survey found that the higher the concentration of carotenoids in human blood, the more normal human liver function, the lower the risk of suffering from arteriosclerosis. Citrus rich in carotenoids and vitamins can increase antioxidant capacity and are beneficial for protecting the liver.
Eat 3 oranges every day, you can meet the daily needs of vitamin C per person, but if you eat too much, excessive intake of vitamin C, the body will increase the metabolism of oxalic acid, easily lead to urinary stones, kidney stones. And eating more oranges is harmful to the mouth and teeth.
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