The intracellular "mutation clock" can tell you when you will get cancer
November 12, 2015 Source: Xinhuanet
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Some genetic mutations in the human body appear to accumulate at a constant rate year after year, causing DNA damage and leading to cancer. According to the "New Scientist" website on the 9th, Michael Stratton and colleagues at the Sanger Institute of the Wellcome Trust in the United Kingdom studied the DNA sequence of more than 10,000 cancer patients and identified two such "mutation clocks". "They are almost in every cell, and every ticking of these "clocks" represents a mutation.
One of them is the "mitotic clock", which records mutations caused by cell division. Stratton said that the rate of mutation is consistent with the rate of cell renewal in the tissue, so in the future it will be possible to determine how many times the cell has been split by the number of mutations.
As for the Other "clock", the research team did not know enough about it, and initially assumed that it might be related to cell repair. Stratton said that the machine that copies DNA occasionally makes mistakes, and this "clock" may be the result of an error.
The team also found that the speed of the "clock" is also fast and slow in different organizations. For example, the “mitotic clock†is the fastest in the stomach and colon cells, with about 23 mutations per cell per year; the slowest in breast and ovarian cells, with only 3 to 4 mutations per year.
These “clocks†can be used to determine how quickly cancers metastasize and spread or become resistant to a drug, which means doctors can develop optimal treatment options for patients.
Stratton said that whether it is cancer is not inevitable for the individual, but cancer is inevitable for the human population. They will next study whether there is an individual difference in the mutation rate, and if so, it will be expected. The time of cell canceration is predicted by reading the speed of the "clock".
So is the aging of people also set by these "clocks"? Stratton said that it depends on the extent to which the accumulation of mutations in individual cells determines aging. If there is a large correlation, it is possible to predict the rate of aging. (
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