A certain number of grass handles are buried in the concentrated distribution area where fruit trees absorb roots, and mulching is carried out to temporarily store the applied fertilizer and water, reduce the loss, and gradually release nutrients and moisture, so that the fruit trees can be provided with stable water supply throughout the year. Obviously improve the growth and development of fruit trees to achieve the purpose of increasing production and strengthening trees.
Its advantages are to improve the ground temperature in early spring, save water-saving fertilizer, improve the survival rate of saplings, and increase the production of strong trees. The cost is low and the benefits are significant. This technique can be used on apples, pears, apricots, plums, etc., and is usually carried out before or after flowering each year in early spring.
The big tree can have four to eight caverns and two saplings. The caverns are 25-30 cm in diameter and 35-45 cm deep. They will be bundled with straws (useful for straw or weeds, straw to bind the diameter 15-25 cm, 30-35 cm long, immersed in water before soaking) Vertically bundle into the hole, apply calcium superphosphate at the bottom of the hole, 50-100 grams per hole, back to the soil to be practical, the grass cover the top to the soil When 1 centimeter, apply 50-100 grams of urea. If ammonium bicarbonate is applied, apply it to the backfill 20 centimeters away from the ground, and then fill the soil, then water, then cover the soil with 1 centimeter thick, and bury the hole. After a little less than l-2 centimeters above the ground to collect water, a small hole is then put through the mulch that covers the center of the mulch and the center of the hole, pressing a small stone to collect the rain and water.
During the dry season, water is poured every 10-12 days, each time pouring 3.5-5 kg ​​per hole. Generally after an anthesis, the new shoot is long-term, after harvesting fruit, combined with rainfall or pouring, irrigation to topdressing, each applying 50-100 grams of compound fertilizer or urea.
Roller Hook Tomato Plant Support
Roller Hook Tomato Plant Support,Tomato Trellis-trellising,Greenhouse Tomato Plant,Accessory Trellising Roller Hook