Wearable Technology Frontier: Top Ten Implantable Wearables

Release date: 2015-08-21

In recent years, wearable devices have become a big hit, and the market has grown rapidly, and the development momentum is very strong. But I still believe that wearable technology is a simple transition technology. It must also be quickly moved from outside our body to the inside of the body. Needless to say, this will be the future of wearable devices, the next big cutting edge technology.

Implanted smartphone

Of course, now that we are almost intimately connected to the phone all the time, what if our body can really connect with the phone? This has already begun to happen. For example, last year, artist Anthony Antonellis accepted an operation to implant an RFID chip into his arm, which can store and transfer art to his handheld smartphone. Researchers are experimenting with embedded sensors to turn human bones into realistic speakers. Other scientists are working on eye implants, snapping an eye to capture an image, and transferring it to any local storage (such as the RFID chip embedded in the arm).

But if you put your phone into your body, what should the screen replace? Autodesk technicians are experimenting with a system that displays images through artificial skin, and images may appear in your eye implants.

2. Healing chip

Currently, patients have connected their network implants directly to a smartphone application to monitor and treat disease in real time. For example, a new bionic pancreas was tested at Boston University in the United States. The bionic pancreas comes with a tiny sensor that can be used directly to talk to smartphone apps to monitor blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. In London, scientists are developing an oral capsule-sized circuit to monitor the obesity of obese patients and produce genetic material that makes them feel "full". This approach may address severe obesity as an alternative to current surgical or other invasive approaches. Other medical problems, from heart murmurs to anxiety problems, have the potential to be implanted.

3. Network pills that can talk to your doctor

The implant doesn't just communicate with your smartphone, it can also "talk" to your doctor. In a project called "Proteus," a British research team is working on a network of tablets containing tiny sensors that can "send text messages" directly from your body to your doctor. It shares information about your body to help doctors understand whether you are taking the medicine correctly and how effective it is.

4. Bill Gates' implantable contraceptive device

The Gates Foundation is supporting a project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop an implantable female contraceptive device that can be externally controlled. This tiny chip produces a small amount of contraceptive hormone in women for 16 years. Moreover, this implant technique is not yet more invasive than tattoos. Dr. Robert Farra of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said, “Because the device switches are controlled by the implanted, this provides some convenience for those with family planning.”

5. Smart tattoo

Tattoos are often seen as a symbol of fashion, almost everywhere. Then why don't we implant a smart digital tattoo, which not only looks cool, but also performs some useful tasks, such as unlocking a car or a mobile phone password, which is really a reality. Researchers at the University of Illinois have developed a computerized skin network that is implantable thinner than human hair, which monitors your condition from the inside out. In addition, a company, Dangerous Things, has developed an NFC chip that can be embedded in a finger-like way to unlock or enter a password. And a research team in Texas has developed a particle that can be injected into the skin to track the body's metabolic processes.

6. Brain machine interface

Connecting the human brain directly to a computer was a fantasy (or nightmare) in science fiction films. But now, a team at Brown University called BrainGate is connecting the human brain directly to the computer. According to its official website, "Preliminary research shows that an aspirin-sized electrode can be implanted into the brain, and the neural signal can be decoded by the computer in real time and used to operate external devices." Chip maker Intel expects that the brain-computer interface will be put into use by 2020. actual use. According to a recent article by Intel scientist Dean Pomerleau, “Ultimately people are implanted into the brain. Imagine that you will use your mind to surf the web in the future.

7. Soluble bio battery

However, one of the challenges of implant technology is how to get energy for devices already in the body. You can't put these energy into the body, and you can't take them out and replace them with a new one. A team at the Draper Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is working on biodegradable batteries. They generate electricity in the body, wirelessly transmit it where it is needed, and then melt. There is also research to use the body's own glucose to generate electricity for the implant. It's a bit like the previous potato battery, but it's smaller and more advanced.

8. Smart dust

Perhaps the most surprising of the current implant inventions is smart dust: a full-computer array with antennas, each smaller than sand, that can be self-assembled into the body to be needed The network handles a complex set of situations in the body. Imagine these nano-devices called dust, which can attack early cancer cells, or relieve wound pain, and even store important personal information in an encrypted way so that it cannot be modified. With smart dust, doctors can operate directly in your body without a knife, and the information is stored in your body and is highly encrypted unless you unlock it from the nano network yourself.

9. Self-verification

This technique can be used to identify everyone. For example, the US military is undertaking an important project to implant RFID chips into each soldier to enable automatic tracking of troops worldwide. Many social commentators believe that the expansion of this recognition technology is inevitable. Some people look at it from a positive perspective: for example, to improve the ability to fight crime, national security elections, positive changes in medical information and feedback, and no children will ever be lost. Others saw a perfect Orwellian society: a boss who knew everything and knew everything to control everything. Still others believe that this is a crucial step toward the singularity, that is, new technologies will be stronger beyond the limits of our understanding.

10. Implantable 3D intelligent organ

The idea behind tissue engineering is that you can add cells to plastics, if you use the right plastic, the right structure, and add the right medium to mix, so you can make skin, bones, and any tissue in your body. Or organ. “There has been significant progress in this area,” said Robert Lange, a professor of biomedical engineering at MIT. “We can already make skin for patients with burns or skin ulcers, while other corneal and liver-like skins are being tested. Soon, We will be able to make all human tissue.

Source: Arterial Network

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