Japan has developed a new method for screening cancer cells
June 12, 2017 Source: Technology Daily
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There are more than 20 kinds of polyamines in mammalian cells, such as spermine, spermidine, putrescine and the like. The concentration of the polyamine is strictly controlled within a certain level by its synthesis and decomposition and movement inside and outside the cell. A positively charged polyamine combines with a normally negatively charged RNA to facilitate the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins.
It is generally believed that polyamines are indispensable for cell division and proliferation. Excessive polyamines are produced in proliferating cancer cells. The concentration of polyamines in some cancer cells may even be as high as millimolar (mM). Therefore, polyamines The concentration in the cells can be used as a biomarker for identifying cancer cells. If the polyamine in the cell can be selectively reacted, the relevant cancer cells can be identified and a method for inhibiting the proliferation of the cancer cells can be found.
This time, the research team first tested the propargyl propionate propargyl ester with various biogenic amines in the cell, and found that propargyl ester reacted rapidly with spermine and spermidine to form an amide bond efficiently. It does not react to other biogenic amines. They also tested three types of breast cancer cells, normal breast cells, and lymphocytes with fluorescently labeled propargyl esters. As a result, fluorescent staining was observed in all three cancer cells, but no fluorescent staining in normal breast cells and lymphocytes. Examination of stained cancer cells revealed that only polyamines were amidated. The above results show that the amidation reaction of propargyl ester can selectively distinguish polyamines produced by excess cancer cells.
Prior to this, scientists were unable to select polyamines from a wide variety of biogenic amines in the cell. In the future, organic synthesis reactions targeting polyamines are expected to be applied to cancer diagnosis and development of treatments with few side effects.
The research results have been published in the online edition of the British Chemical Newsletter. (Reporter Chen Chao)
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