Before selecting seeds and sowing peanuts for peeling seed shells, remove the peanuts with greater differences from the standard fruit types such as reticulation, seed size, inner seed coat color, pod bending, and fruit tip angle. The rest of the peanuts were selected at noon on sunny days and continuously sun-dried on the mud for 3 to 4 days. Do not crush the peel during drying.
About 10 days before sowing, shelling began. After shelling, 2 seed selections should be conducted. Selection criteria: peanuts are pink in color, and the seed coat is delicate, smooth, and oval in shape. For these characteristics, long, round, and other colored peanuts were removed. To remove other peanut seeds in the sowing box during mechanical sowing, manually drain the seeds, clean the seeding tank and other peanuts in the seeder to ensure the purity of the peanuts during sowing, and reduce the physical mixing opportunities.
The field selection was conducted in the field during the late growth stage of peanuts, and the plants with differences were removed from the breeding fields. When harvesting, it is necessary to harvest and plant seeds. The selection of seeds must be controlled both against the peanut plants and against the pods. Peanut plants that did not meet the characteristics were selected and stored together with pods and finally treated as a mixed fruit.
After harvesting and drying the fields, the peanuts were laid on the peanut ridges, and the peanuts were ridged on each side of the peanut ridges. According to the weather conditions, the ground was dried for 4 to 5 days. During the noon, turn around 2 times. Remove the pods, and timely clean out the sundries, leaves, fruit stalks, dirt and other debris, according to the size of the drying field, spread every 30 minutes for 1 time. Piled up at night, spread out during the day, after continuous drying for 4 days or so, piled up in stacks for 2 days, during which time it was not possible to use plastic sheeting to make cloth. After 2 days, spread out and dry again. When the moisture reaches about 9%, it can be stored in the warehouse.
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Zhejiang Zhoushan Jiaze Aquatic Co., Ltd. ,