6 months BB nutrition delicious recipes production

First, the fish mud needs the material: boneless fish meat 30 grams, 250 ml of clear water, ginger, onion amount, six months baby do fish soup is not recommended to add seasonings Production Method: The boneless fish, ginger, water into the pot Bring to a low heat after boiling, then cook for 10 to 15 minutes and turn off the heat. Use a spoon to crush the fish.


Second, the chicken mud needs materials: chicken 30 grams, 1 cup of water, ginger amount.

Production method: Add chicken, ginger, and water to the pot and cook it. Then pick up the chicken and stir it into the mixer to make it into a puree.

Production Tips: Be careful to avoid cooking too long lead to a decline in the taste of chicken. The same method can be used to make beef mud, lean meat mud and so on. The produced meat paste can also be used in rice paste and rice flour. Baby within one year old does not recommend adding seasonings.

Third, sesame glutinous rice porridge production of raw materials: black sesame seeds 20-40g, rice 20-50g, rice 25g.

Production method: black sesame should pay attention to grinding before making, to avoid baby aspiration or difficult to digest. The black sesame was baked in an oven and crushed with a mortar and pestle until used. Put the appropriate amount of water in the pot, put it in the rice, glutinous rice porridge together. The porridge will be put into the grinded black sesame seeds, and cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Add sugar to taste.

Production skills: Glutinous rice can make the porridge taste better, but glutinous rice is difficult to digest food, pay attention to avoid adding too much. It is not recommended to add seasonings to baby foods within one year of age.

Fourth, jujube mud production materials: red dates 80-120g, water amount.

Production Method: Wash the jujube into the pot, add appropriate amount of hydro simmer for 20 minutes until the jujube boiled. Remove the jujube peel and nucleus and feed it after stirring. Note that red dates are to be washed and cored during production.

Production techniques: red jujube mud can supplement the body's iron, prevent baby anemia, suitable for baby more than six months five, walnut rice paste production of raw materials: Walnut 20g, rice, water appropriate production methods: the rice, walnuts clean Mix to a powder ratio of 2:1, then put it in a pot and boil it in water.

Production skills: Walnut contains more oil, if the baby is in a state of diarrhea is not suitable for consumption. The healthy baby can not eat too much at one time, so as not to damage the spleen and stomach function.

Six, salmon tomato mud production of raw materials: 50-120g of salmon, tomato 50g, soup.

Production method: first clean the fish after removing the skin and cut into fish. The tomato is then roasted on the fire to facilitate peeling, and the tomatoes are cut into tomato pieces after removing the skin. Pour the prepared soup into the pot, add the fish and boil it for a while. Add the chopped tomatoes and salt and cook until low heat.

Production techniques: Salmon meat is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids. The latter is the essential substance for the baby's brain, retina and nervous system development. The color of the baby's recipe is red and white, and it tastes delicious, but you must choose fresh fish. It is recommended that you eat for more than 7 months.

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