Digital PET online accurate monitoring proton therapy research has made new breakthroughs

Digital PET online accurate monitoring proton therapy research has made new breakthroughs

October 8, 2018 Source: Web of Science Author: Lu Wei Wang Xiaoxiao Yang Ya

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Digital PET team and researchers at Chang Gung Hospital, Taiwan

Proton radiotherapy is one of the most advanced cancer radiotherapy techniques, and it is called "the cancer weapon." Recently, the team of Xie Qingguo of Huazhong University of Science and Technology used the self-developed flat-panel all-digital PET to detect the oxygen generated by the proton beam hitting human tissue for the first time, indicating that digital PET is very likely to achieve the distribution of positron emission nucleus generated by proton beam β+ decay. Accurate monitoring of the situation, thereby tracking the delivery dose and range of the proton beam.

This discovery means that the world-class problem of proton beam online monitoring is expected to be solved, thus effectively improving the effect of proton knife on tumor treatment and improving the cure rate and survival rate of patients. Relevant research results were published in the international authoritative journal "Sensors".

According to Hong Zhihong, one of the co-authors of the paper and the vice president of the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Linkou, if the proton therapy fails to achieve the absolute accuracy of the targeted attack on the tumor, it will often lead to the treatment of tumor recurrence and side effects. Therefore, proton therapy with a monitoring system is equivalent to turning "theoretical perfection" into "actual perfection" and truly exerting the effect of proton therapy.

Currently, PET is recognized as the most effective means to monitor proton therapy. However, due to the "modulo-mixing" characteristics of conventional PET, it is impossible to accurately monitor the proton beam into the human body in real time. From 2016 to now, the digital PET inventor and professor of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Xie Qingguo led a team to the Linkeng Chang Gung Memorial Hospital for joint experimental research. In November last year, scientists from both sides of the strait used the all-digital flat PET on the online monitoring of proton beams at the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Linkou, and obtained major discoveries.

Nikola, the first author of the paper and a full-time professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, said that digital PET can be used to collect a large amount of raw data from the proton beam into the living body, thus monitoring the trajectory and function of the proton beam in the human body. precedent. This means that the world-class problem of proton beam online monitoring is expected to be solved, thus effectively improving the effect of proton knife on tumor treatment.

Although the technology has broad prospects, Xie Qingguo believes that the current difficulties in further research on proton therapy and digital PET are still outstanding. He said that, first of all, relevant research needs complete infrastructure support and a lot of capital investment. Secondly, proton therapy and digital PET belong to two fields, and research resources from equipment, talents, technology, projects and other aspects need to be integrated. Third, digital PET has entered the scientific “no-man's land” in joint research with proton therapy, and there are no precedents in the world. "I hope that the relevant departments of the country can plan the proton precision radiotherapy technology as soon as possible, coordinate relevant scientific research resources, and seize the strategic opportunities of China's digital PET in this field to help humans to quickly fall into cancer," said Xie Qingguo.

Antibody Test Kit Of COVID-19

These test kits are performed on blood samples from infected persons became a useful tool in elucidating the links between several cases. These links would not have been made if viral particles were looked for via PCR methods. This is due to the fact that the patient's immune defence might be successful in eliminating the virus and hence removing any trace of where it came from. However, when specific antibodies are searched for in the same patient, they will be able to be detected because they stay within the blood for several years. Commercial immunoassay tests to detect COVID-19 include a dual ELISA test to be performed. This detects specific IgA and IgG against the virus in the blood of infected patients. There is also an automated fluorescent immunoassay system to measure quantitatively or semi-quantitatively the concentration of the targeted analyte, which can be the viral antigen or IgM/IgG.

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