Analysis of the cause of the suction of the filter element of the security filter

The security filter, also known as a precision filter, is a widely used filter in the water treatment industry. Its outer casing is usually made of stainless steel. This material is not easy to rust and durable. There are many kinds of filter elements in the equipment, such as folding filter, wire-wound filter, large-flow filter, activated carbon filter, etc. These filter elements are mostly tubular and more convenient to replace. In the process of use, according to the raw water quality and process flow that needs to be filtered, what kind of filter element is selected to make the effluent meet the requirements. It also acts as a reverse osmosis membrane before use in reverse osmosis equipment. Nowadays, the security filter is applied in many fields such as medicine, chemical industry, food and beverage, brewing, printing and dyeing, etc. The quality of the effluent is in full compliance with the water requirements of various industries, and has been recognized and widely used.
The principle of the security filter is to carry out a filtration process on the raw liquid under the action of pressure, then it will leave some filtered waste on the pipe wall and then flow out, so that a process can really achieve the filtration. Process, looking at the complex is actually very simple to operate, of course, for our use is more simple,
Its hole is different, of course, this is also chosen according to our needs. The security filter is a real precision filter. It can completely filter out some waste in the water. Of course, there are many small particles that we usually can't see. So, today it is very widely used.
How insecure our water is, I believe that everyone knows it, so it is too much to have a special security filter, especially some large factories, so we should know that it is for our lives. What kind of role is there, and it will play a bigger role in the future.
The filter element of the security filter has a flattening reason
The security filter is usually installed in front of the pressure vessel to remove particles with a turbidity of more than 1 degree, so that the influent water meets the water inlet requirements of the subsequent equipment. However, after a certain period of use, the filter element will appear to be flattened. The main reasons for this situation are:
1. The filter element is used for a long time and is not replaced in time.
2. The support of the filter element skeleton is insufficient.
3. The filter element is not selected well, and the required filtering accuracy is not suitable.
4. The water inlet pressure is not suitable.
These reasons will cause the filter element to absorb and flatten, which will seriously affect the water purification effect. The working capacity of the filter element in the continuous water purification process is declining and needs to be replaced in time, otherwise the water quality will be affected.

Single Packed Mottled Waxy Corn

Waxy corn comes in a variety of colours. Some people wonder if waxy corn is a genetically modified product. In fact, it is not. Waxy corn originated in China. It is caused by a genetic mutation. Artificial selection gradually led to the emergence of a type of tannin.

Waxy corn, also known as waxy corn, is sticky corn. The grain has coarse, waxy endosperm, similar to shiny, glassy (clear) grains such as hard and dented corn. Its chemical and physical characteristics are controlled by a recessive gene (wx), which is located on chromosome 9. 100% of the starch in the endosperm is straight-chain starch.

Coloured glutinous corn is generally white, yellow, red, purple and black, with white, yellow and purple corn being the basic colours. Purple and white hybrids naturally become purple if the purple gene "beats" the white gene and vice versa, so if the two tie we see white and purple corn. Purple can turn into red and black corn, or as we often say, "red is purple and black is purple". Of these colourful corn, the most common yellow waxy corn is the most nutritious as it is rich in carotenoids...

Currently, the only genetically modified foods sold on the Chinese market are soybean oil and papaya. Waxy maize is a hybrid variety and is not associated with genetic modification. Therefore, it can be concluded that glutinous maize is a hybrid variety and has nothing to do with genetic modification.

Genetic modification is a type of "genetic engineering" in modern science and technology, which makes use of modern molecular biology techniques. Hybridisation is the mating of individuals of different genotypes to produce offspring that are different from the original "pure" breed. In a sense, it belongs to the natural exchange of genes that can occur in nature.

975t05975t02Single Packed Waxy Corn Cob

Colorful Waxy Corn,Colorful Mottled Waxy Corn,Single Packed Mottled Waxy Corn,Single Packed Colorful Waxy Corn

Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. ,