Scientists found common genetic variations in gallbladder cancer

Gallbladder cancer is the most common malignant epithelial tumor of the gallbladder, and its histological type is mainly adenocarcinoma. Gallbladder cancer in a broad sense also has various types of sarcoma, primary malignant melanoma, lymphoma and the like. Most gallbladder cancer is associated with gallstones and chronic cholecystitis. Patients have no specific symptoms. Most of the clinical manifestations are the same as cholelithiasis, so it is difficult to find early. Pathologically, 80% of gallbladder cancer is adenocarcinoma, and other rare types include squamous cell carcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma, and small cell carcinoma. Women are 2 to 4 times more likely than men. More common in 70 to 79 years old. The prognosis of gallbladder cancer is related to tumor type and clinical stage.


The researchers, by comparing the more than 700,000 different gene sequences of gallbladder cancer patients with the genetic sequences of healthy volunteers, identified genetic variants that could lead to disease progression.

The report published in the Lancet on March 5th has played an important role in understanding this deadly disease and studying better treatments. Although gallbladder cancer is very rare worldwide, the disease is very common in certain areas, such as North America, Central and South America, and Eastern and Southeastern Asia. In these high-risk areas, the number of new cases each year is 178,000.

"The use of the latest technology to observe the genetic basis of the disease helps to further understand it," the researchers said. "The gallbladder is a small organ with abdomen that stores bile. Gallbladder cancer is very good if found early. Treated, but because the early symptoms are not obvious, it is too late to find out. Scientists search for common single nucleotide polymorphisms (snp) by genome-wide analysis by searching blood samples from around the world.

" Gallbladder cancer, like many other cancers and complex diseases, has many genetic markers, each of which may have some small effects, but when they are combined, there is a lot of risk change." Researchers have asserted that 25% of the risk of gallbladder cancer can be explained as a common genetic variant. By better understanding the functional variants of genetic risk, and by investigating environmental and lifestyle reasons, researchers believe that they can eventually find a response to this deadly disease. Methods.

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