Scientists emphasize the impact of gender differences on brain function

Scientists emphasize the impact of gender differences on brain function

February 28, 2017 Source: Bio Valley

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In a recent review article published in the Journal of Neuroscience Research (JNR), Gina Rippon, a professor at the Aston Brain Research Center at Aston University, and his international collaborators highlighted how to improve gender disparity research. This review article is a response to a new JNR editorial order that requires all research papers published on JNR to explore or rule out the impact of gender differences on the results of the study. The new policy is said to respond to critics who believe that articles that do not study gender differences are gender-based and call for prevention of such research.

Rippon and colleagues highlighted the importance of studying gender differences in brain development and function, but also highlighted the major problems and difficulties in generating reliable data and conclusions in this area. Professor Rippon is pleased that some of their suggestions have been adopted by this new policy. “For humans, many unpredictable social and physical factors can lead to gender differences in the brain,” she explains, emphasizing that although our experience differs in gender, many studies only consider whether the participants are male or female. She added: "We should study the effects of these uncaptured differences on the brain. Even if it is impossible to study, scientists should consider these factors when discussing their findings."

JNR's publication of this review by Rippon and colleagues is very timely, as the genderist concept of gender-discriminatory science has gradually been adopted recently due to some political correctness that undermines science, misleading parents, and gender-based debates that ignore scientific grounds. weaken.

“It's important to study gender, sex, and the brain, but considering that such research usually focuses on education, education, hiring, and health, we think it's more important to do these research more correctly. The question we focus on is how these studies are. Conducted: Are these findings reliable? Is the explanation effective? Are they responsibly publishing their findings to the public?

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