Identification of leeches

Character identification

1. Wide blisters: flat spindle, body length 5-9 cm, width 0.8-2.0 cm. The back is slightly raised and the ventral surface is flat. The dried herbs are reciprocally affixed to the climbing shape. The front of the body is slightly pointed, and the back end is blunt. The whole body is composed of many links. The front suction and standby are not significant, and the back suction is larger.


The back is dark brown and is lined with many black spots into five vertical lines. Both sides of the body are brownish-yellow on the ventral surface, and there are multiple black-brown discontinuous spots on the ventral surface. Brittle, easy to break, shiny cross section like glue. Slightly angry.

2. Long leeches: long and flat (some are drawn into a thread during processing), 5 to 12 cm long and 1 to 5 mm wide. The ends of the body are slightly finer, with suction cups. The front suction cup is not significant, and the rear suction cup is round. Somite is obvious or not obvious. Uneven body surface (due to storage in the digestive tract). Both sides of the dorsal and abdomen are black-brown. After the two ends have been processed to wear small holes, the suction cups are not easy to identify. Brittle, broken section is not flat, dull. There is soil gas.

3. Water pods: flat oblong, body length 2 to 5 cm, width 2 to 3 mm. The ventral surface is slightly taller and the body is more curved and twisted. Goods are usually worn by threads, and most of them are tightly integrated. The whole black and brown color also consists of most links. The fracture surface is uneven and dull.

The above three herbs are all good for body dryness, body size, and no mud.

The above three kinds of medicinal herbs

1. Body width above 5 mm, body-spindle shape - wide blister.

2. Body width of 5 mm or less, body cylindrical or slender; body mostly straight; single, non-adhesive clusters; color gray black matte - long blister.

3. Most of the body is bent and twisted; the constant bars are sticking together; the color is black and glossy - water sluice.

Identification points

蛭 is distributed throughout the country. Grasshoppers are distributed in Shandong, Hebei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei. Liuye grasshoppers are distributed in Hebei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Fujian and other places. [5] The main features of the three types of leeches are: the blister is cylindrical in shape, small in size, twisted in multiple bodies, and black-brown in color. It is composed of most links, and the section is dull; the grasshopper is flat and spindle-shaped and long, and there are five. The vertical lines composed of black and light yellow are cross-sections that are gelatinous and shiny; the willow grasshoppers are long, narrow and flat, like “willow”-shaped, with 5 yellow-brown or yellowish-green markings and vertical lines. .

Classical identification

1. "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic": "The smell of water is salty and flat. The blood of the host is bloody, blood and blood stasis accumulates... raw pool."

Liang Liang, “Doctors Don’t Record”: “Minamata was born with Lei Ze Chize. May and June were collected and dried.”

3. Tao Hongjing said: “There are various rivers and ponds. There are several kinds of horses and horses that have to be engaged and have blood in their abdomen to do better. The mountains and small people are unfit for use.”

4, Tang Su Gong said: "There are otters, grasshoppers, big feet long Xu, and can yaks, horses, human blood. This custom and more water in the small person, with the great effect, do not have to eat people full of blood. The grass is lying on the grass in the mountains, and the people line up with the quails. They don't feel guilty of getting into the meat, and they suffer from birth and breeding. The mountain people have their own therapy."

5, Han Baosheng said: "The only use of the water in the use. Do not have a stone on the raw stone, mud mud in the mud, the second tip of a rough waist."

6. Song Zongzong: "The monk said that the grand is the horse, and the belly is the horse."

7, Ming · "Materia Medica Mang": "The water scorpion is the horse scorpion. Medicine to take the water of the small."

8, Qing · "Materia Medica from the new": "The otters is the horse."

Quick identification

1, water scorpion: The whole was flat cylindrical, 2 ~ 5cm long, 2 ~ 3mm wide. The stomach is slightly taller and the body twists and turns. Goods are usually worn by threads, and most of them are tightly integrated. The whole body is black-brown and consists of most links. The folding section is not flat, dull, and slightly emaciated.

2, grasshopper: flat spindle, body length 4 ~ l0cm, width 0.5 ~ 2cm. The front end of the body is slightly pointed and the back end is blunt. The whole body consists of many links. The front suction cup is not significant and the rear suction cup is larger. The back is black-brown, with 5 vertical lines arranged by many black spots; brown and yellow on both sides of the body and on the ventral surface, and intermittent black spots on the ventral surface. Brittle, shiny cross-section like gelatinous. Slightly angry.

3, Willow Leopard: body narrow and long (some pull into a line), length 5 ~ 12cm, width 1 ~ 5mm. The body ends are thinner, the front suction cup is not significant, and the rear suction cup is round. Somite is obvious or not obvious, uneven surface. The back and the abdomen are black and brown on both sides, with holes drilled at both ends. Therefore, the sucker is hard to read. Brittle, uneven profile and dull appearance. There is soil gas.

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