Although the trace elements are not too small

Zinc excess disease

Excess zinc will cause the young leaves of plants to show chlorosis and yellowing, and the stalks, petioles, and lower leaves of the leaves will appear auburn. Rice has excess zinc, rice seedlings grow weak and leaves yellow; wheat has excess zinc, brown spots appear at the tip of the leaves; excess zinc in soybeans, purple leaves at the base of the ribs in particular, leaf curling.

Chlorine excess disease

When there is excess chlorine, crops are prone to burning roots and dead seedlings. Applying to chlorine-tolerant crops such as sweet potatoes, tobacco, or fruit trees can cause product quality to deteriorate.

Copper excess disease

Excess copper will cause yellowing of the crop, impeded root elongation, and inflexibility, or the formation of divergent and chicken claw roots. Rice copper poisoning, rice seedlings significantly yellow, stagnant growth; wheat copper surplus, body color will become darker, more rigid, lower leaves yellow, root disk. Because of excess copper, iron absorption is significantly inhibited. Therefore, there is sometimes an excess of copper in crops and iron deficiency disease.

Manganese excess disease

Due to the different crops, there are large differences, but most of them show browning and brown spots on the leaves. There are also yellow-white or purple-red leaves, and young leaves on the leaves. Excess apple manganese causes dermatoglycemia, excessive rice manganese, yellowing of the leaves, occurrence of high-section node tillers, brown contaminants on the stem base, etc.; excessive manganese inhibits the absorption of molybdenum, and the lack of molybdenum in the acid soil may be caused by excess manganese.

Boron excess disease

Boron moves along the transpiration flow in the plant body. Water is lost as transpiration and boron remains. Boron is easily left in the tip and edge of the blade. Therefore, excess boron is mainly expressed in the periphery of the leaf. Most of the boron is yellow or brown and the leaves are yellow and severely changeable. Brown coke, there is the so-called Phnom Penh on the vegetable crops; rice excess boron tip browning, dry roll, glume appears brown spots; barley excess, the leaves will disperse a large number of tan spots.

Molybdenum excess disease

Crop molybdenum excess is not easy to express in morphology. Cotton plants contain no more than 15mg/kg molybdate. However, forage crops contain molybdenum >10mg/kg, and long-term feeding may cause molybdenum in livestock. Solanaceae crops are more sensitive to molybdenum excess, tomato, potato molybdenum excess, branchlets are golden yellow or red and yellow.

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