Variety of vegetable cultivation parameters and techniques

Farmers use greenhouses to delay the autumn tomato, early spring melon, corn, broccoli four-maturity system of efficient planting patterns, generally 4000-5000 kg of tomato per mu, 3000-4000 kg of melon, 450 kg of corn, 2000-2500 kg of cauliflower, very economic benefits Significant.

First, the cultivation facilities choose high-slot, well-drained, fertile soil loose land to build a greenhouse, shed 50-60 meters long, 4.5-4.8 meters wide, 1.6-1.7 meters high, north-south. In the cold season, multi-layer covering is adopted, and a cold-proof ditch with a depth of 50 cm and a width of 40 cm can also be dug outside the front of the greenhouse. The trench is first filled with a layer of old film, and then filled with wheat straw, rice straw, etc., and covered with a layer of film to avoid the heat transfer from the shed soil.

Second, the planting pattern After the fall, the tomato planting seedlings from late August to early September, planting at the end of October, New Year's Day to the Spring Festival listing; early spring melon year in early January nutritional seedling nursery, planting in early February, mid-May harvest collection market; The maize was nursed in mid-April and the corn seedlings were planted in mid-April after clearing the vines and weeds. They were harvested in mid-August. Cauliflower was sown at the end of July and early August, planted in late August and listed in early October. At the end of October, the ridges were ploughed and ready for the next cycle.

Third, the selection of varieties of tomato selection of low temperature, low light resistant varieties; melon selection of high-quality mesh melon varieties; corn selection of high-yield disease resistant early maturing varieties; cauliflower selection of early maturing varieties.

Fourth, cultivation technology

1, tomato 1 seedlings. The seedbed is located in a greenhouse, and it uses phoxim 1000 times solution to control the underground pests 7-10 days before sowing. 10 grams per square meter sowing, when two true leaves of seedlings, seedlings in 1010 cm nutrients. 2 Reasonable colonization. Ten days before planting, 4000-5000 kg of quality manure manure was applied per mu, 50-100 kg of cooked cake fertilizer and 30 kg of DAP were used as base fertilizer. Before planting, cover the mulch on the surface of the pods, and then drill and transplant on the mulch at a spacing of 3050 cm. Pour enough water after planting and seal planting holes with fine soil. When the temperature is lower than 10°C, it is necessary to adopt a greenhouse shed and cover straw and other multi-layer covering methods. 3 field management. After easing the seedlings, lightly water 1 time according to the lyrics. If the base fertilizer is insufficient, apply 10 kg of DAP per acre in combination with watering. When the first fruit begins to swell, the top dressing is filled with water once; when the third fruit is seated, 15 kg of DAP is applied per mu. When the plant height is 30 cm, single stalk cutting is performed, leaving 3-4 ear per plant and 3-4 fruit per ear. The diseases of tomato mainly include early and late diseases, gray mold, and leaf mold, and it is necessary to use non-environmental pesticides for prevention and treatment.

2, early spring melon 1 foot fertilizer colonization. Seedlings are about 35 days old, and they are planted when the three leaves are in one heart. Before the planting, per acre applied persimmon manure 4000-5000 kilograms, decomposed chicken manure 2000 kilograms, superphosphate 50 kilograms, nitrogen phosphorus potassium compound fertilizer 50 kilograms, deep turning rake fine leveling. According to the large row of 90 cm, 60 cm from the row spacing, ridge height 25-30 cm. Colonization was performed at 45-55 cm spacing, and 1500-1800 plants were planted per acre. After the planting, the mulching film was covered and the shed was dipped for 3 days. 2 field management. When the quail grows to 30-40 cm in length, it is pulled with a nylon rope or twine, and the vines are wound on the rope. The main vine spreads topping at 25 knots. The reserved melon segments are Sections 10-13 and 18-20, respectively, and 2 melons are left in the melon segment. The remaining craniums are removed. When the female flower that reserved the melon pitches is open, it is used to spend the morning sitting in the melon garden. When the melon weighs a single 250 grams, use a rope to hang the melon shank on the bracket and set the net bag. The main diseases of melon are fusarium wilt and downy mildew, and it is necessary to use non-environmental pesticides for prevention and treatment.

3, corn in late May after the melon vine, soil preparation. Set the plant spacing 30-40 cm, spacing 50-60 cm. Before transplanting, 1-1.5 kilograms of carbofuran per acre can be used to prevent and control underground pests. The basal fertilizer is preferred for organic fertilizers, and compound fertilizers can also be applied. The joint fertilizer is topdressing 15 kg of urea per mu, and 25-30 kg of urea per mu. During the big bell-mouthing period, 2.5 kg per mu was used to control corn borer.

4, broccoli at the end of July exposed shading seedlings, seedling age 30-40 days transplanting. After the corn is harvested, the straw is removed, and 2500-3000 kg of composted organic fertilizer and 50 kg of compound fertilizer are used as base fertilizer per acre. Transplanting spacing of 4060 cm, cauliflower colonization after 1 week of survival, topdressing 10 kg of urea per acre as a fat tree. When starting the ball, 800-1000 kg of diluted manure was applied per acre. When the flower ball has the size of the egg, the combination of watering and then applying 20 kg of urea per acre as a big fertilizer. The diseases that damage broccoli mainly include black rot and soft rot. In the early stage of disease, 77% can be used to prevent spraying. Insect pests mainly include cabbage caterpillars and aphids, which can be controlled by pesticides such as deltamethrin.

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