First, the symptoms
Oil sunflower rust is the main disease of oil sunflower, and the output is reduced by 40%-80% in the pandemic year. Leaf-like, petiole, stalk, and kwai plate can all form rust-like spores after infection. The leaves were infected. The brown vesicles on the back of the leaves appeared as the uredia spores on the back of the leaves. After the surface ruptured, brown powder was emitted, which was the spores of the pathogenic bacteria. The posterior disease department gave birth to many dark brown cysts, namely the teliospores of the bacteria. Disperses black powder, ie, teliospores, causing severe early leaf dryness.
Second, transmission routes and conditions
In cold regions, winter wheat spores are used for wintering on diseased bodies. When conditions are appropriate in the second year, the spores of the winter spore germinate and invade the young leaves to form a sexual organ, and then a rust generator is generated on the back of the diseased spot. The rust spores spread in the device. After germination, they also invade from the leaves to form the uredia spores and uredia spores. The uredia spores spread through the air stream and re-infested several times. Near the time of harvest, the cyperus spp. Wintering. The occurrence of the disease is closely related to the amount of bacteria source accumulated in the previous year and rainfall in the current year. Especially after the emergence of seedlings and rust spores, rainfall plays an important role in the epidemic. After entering the summer spores stage, early in the rainy season, multiple repeated infestations can often cause the epidemic. July-August, the incidence of heavy rain.
Third, control methods
1, plant disease-resistant varieties, and seed dressing, you can use 2% or 6% tebuconazole seed dressing to reduce the incidence.
2. Strengthen pre-management, and inject 4,000 times more love at the seedling stage to cultivate strong seedlings. Rational application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, attention to the application of trace element fertilizers in large dispensers, and timely cultivator.
3, 80% A type carbendazim 1200 times or 43% tebuconazole 4000 times spray control.
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