Nothing is overly good. Sweet sweets are no exception. Eating too much not only makes children suffer from tooth decay, obesity, sweets syndrome, malnutrition, etc., but also can affect physical and mental health when severe. However, we should not ignore the benefits of candy because of this. At the very least, it can make your baby's smile sweeter.
To allow your baby to fully enjoy the benefits of sweets while avoiding unpleasant conditions, it is necessary to control the amount of sugar. Little kids don't have such control ability. There is no doubt that such a daunting task falls on their parents. But what exactly can you do to keep your baby away from the disaster caused by the "sweet trap"? Here are a lot of tips to choose from!
method one:
Incentive policy. Does the baby fall in love with sugar? Don't worry about headaches first. Everything has positive and negative sides. If your home baby is a quagmire that often makes people cry and laughter, you are having a headache for him to be too independent and very good. The beauty of sugar can be displayed immediately. When the baby eats fast and good today, come and reward a sugar; if the goldfish tank is overturned tomorrow, then he can only deprive him of his right to eat sugar. In this way, baby will naturally strive to do everything for the sweet interests of his mouth.
Method Two:
learning tools. Buy a pack of colored chocolate candy beans, what colors are red, yellow, blue, and green. When the baby eats, it can be said: “Baby eats a red one, mommy eats a blue one, and my father eats a yellow one.†Once the baby has some understanding of the color, he can ask: “Baby, this is What color is it? Ah, give him a correct answer, and let the baby ask Mom and Dad. This way, not only meet the baby's desire to eat sugar, but also let the baby get acquainted with a lot of color, but also because of the participation of father and mother and learned to share, oh!
Method 3:
Story strategy. Combine the fact that eating too much sugar will get fangs into a story that tells the baby to hear and let the baby know something about the harm of eating too much sugar. Note that although it is a story, don't be too exaggerated and don't scare your baby. After the story is over, let the baby propose a solution, such as: “The cat has eaten too much sugar, the teeth are broken, the cat’s toothache is extremely painful, and it’s impossible to catch a mouse. What can be done? Baby, Let's think of ways to help it.†In such a story, the baby knows that eating sugar will be bad, developing imagination and thinking skills in the process of trying to help the cat, and training the baby’s sympathy. At the same time, you can take this opportunity to guide your baby to develop a good habit of brushing teeth in the morning and at night. What a great deal!
Method 4:
Candy substitute. There are many natural sweeteners on the market that can help prevent tooth decay, such as xylitol. To give the baby candy, mom and dad don't have to worry about it. You can also give your baby more fruit, because it is also sweet, the baby is generally more like it.
Love Sweets Almost the nature of babies, if Mom and Dad deprived the baby of his right to eat sugar for various reasons, it is simply a deprivation of a large part of the baby's happiness. The appearance that the baby wants to eat and can not eat, always makes parents feel bad. What's more, everything is extremely counter-intuitive and blindly opposed. Maybe the baby will become more eager. Therefore, it is sometimes better to relax the policy. After all, baby's bright smile is the most precious gift for mom and dad.
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