Memory can be "inherited"! Or another "eternal life"!

Memory can be "inherited"! Or another "eternal life"!

June 13, 2019 Source: New IQ ID: AI_era

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Recently, the top academic journal "CELL" published two heavy articles on the same day. The researchers found in the study of nematodes that memory can be inherited, even for 3-4 generations!

Some people say that memory may be the most valuable asset in the end. People always want to retain the most cherished and valuable memories.

Scientists are working tirelessly for this.

At the 2016 SXSW conference, University of Southern California professor Theodore Berger announced a sensation in the entire tech world:

In the experiments on monkeys and mice, the artificial hippocampus completed the "almost perfect" conversion of short-term memory to long-term storage memory. This technology can complete the backup of human brain memory and copy it into other people's brains.

This means that memory may be "inherited" to future generations.

Recently, Elsevier Publishing Company's Cell Press magazine "CELL" published two heavy articles on the same day - memory can really be inherited!

Article address: https://(19)30448-9

Article address: https://(19)30552-5

These two heavy studies have shown that at least in organisms such as C. elegans, memory can be inherited and can last for 3-4 generations.

Can be called subversive cognition!

Alternative "genetic": neurons transmit information to germ cells, affecting progeny gene expression

Nematodes are one of the most common "model organisms" in biological research, and they exist in almost all environmental habitats. They multiply very fast, and the number of genes in the genome is almost the same as the number of genes in the human genome.

Recently, by George S Tel Aviv University. A new study led by Professor Oded Rechavi of the Wise School of Life Sciences and the Sagol Neuroscience Institute found that:

The nematode's nervous system communicates information between neurons and germ cells, and the germ cells contain information (genetic and epigenetic) that is passed on to future generations. This study identified patterns in which neurons transmit information to these offspring.

Professor Rechavi said:

This transmission of information is controlled by small RNA molecules that control gene expression. We found that small RNAs transmit information from neurons to offspring and affect various physiological processes, including foraging behavior of offspring.

These findings run counter to one of the most basic conclusions in modern biology. For a long time, people have always believed that brain activity has no effect on the fate of future generations. This conclusion is called the “Weissman Barrier”, also known as the Second Law of Biology, which states that the information in the inheritance line should be isolated from environmental influences.

Professor Rachel Posner and Itai A at Professor Rechavi. According to a research paper co-authored by Toker, this is the first time in the industry to determine the mechanism by which neuronal responses can be transmitted across generations. This discovery may have a major impact on the understanding of heredity and evolution.

Toker said:

In the past, we have found that small RNAs in nematodes can produce intergenerational changes, but the ability to discover intergenerational transmission of nervous system information is the highest achievement. The nervous system is unique in its ability to integrate environmental and physical responses. It is an amazing discovery that the nervous system is able to control the fate of the offspring of the organism.

The researchers also found that small RNAs need to be synthesized in neurons, and worms can be effectively attracted by their essential nutrient-related odors and successfully complete foraging activities. Small RNAs produced in the parental nervous system affect this behavior and affect the expression of many germline genes within three generations.

In other words, nematodes that do not produce small RNAs have defects in food identification. When researchers regain the ability to produce small RNAs in neurons, nematodes once again have the ability to efficiently forage. Although the nematode progeny itself does not have the ability to produce small RNAs, this effect has remained for generations.

"What we want to emphasize is that we don't know if this phenomenon still applies to humans," Professor Rechavi said.

If the answer is yes, research on this mechanism can be practically applied in medicine. Many diseases may have some epigenetic genetic components. An in-depth understanding of unconventional genetic forms is essential for us to better understand the mechanisms of these diseases and to design better diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

Toker also said that it is very attractive to study whether specific neuronal activities can affect genetic information and give future generations a specific genetic advantage. In this way, the parental generation may pass on useful information for future generations in the context of natural selection, which may affect the evolution of the organism.

The information learned can be inherited to the fourth generation!

Scientists at Princeton University have studied the "avoidance" response of nematodes.

Article address: https://(19)30552-5

In the natural environment, nematodes come into contact with a wide variety of bacteria in their lives. Some bacteria are rich in nutrients and are the food of nematodes, while others are infectious, causing nematodes to become sick and even killing nematodes!

The ability to inherit information from parents can be a beneficial thing in evolution, and this ability enables future generations to safely weather dangerous environments.

The researchers found that after learning how to avoid infection by the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA14), the nematode successfully passed this learned information to their offspring and continued to pass until the fourth generation.

Studies have shown that the expression of TGF-β ligand DAF-7 in sensory neurons is positively correlated with this behavior of cross-generation avoidance. The expression level of DAF-7 was significantly increased in the 3-4 generation nematodes after learning to avoid behavior.

Even if these offspring have never seen these pathogens before, they will be "respected"!

Is the inheritance of memory or another "eternal life"?

Throughout history, there are countless people looking for ways to live forever - they may cultivate their own spiritual world, or resort to medicinal herbs, or build magnificent mausoleums, in order to achieve spiritual continuity and permanence, but no success. true.

Today, we use scientific discoveries to make people's research on "eternal life" continue.

Previously reported "Nature heavy cover: Resurrection of the dead brain! -- The latest research from Yale University shows that the pig brain was successfully revived after 4 hours of death and maintained for at least 6 hours.

This research has set off a wave of moral and ethical public opinion. Some people worry that this will be the beginning of the zombie apocalypse; but at the same time, some people think that the "eternal life" that revives some great people's brains and realizes consciousness and memory will have Great significance.

The discovery of scientists this time can subvert our perception.

The original information can be passed down from generation to generation. I wonder if this is another way of "eternal life"?

Reference link:




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