How to accurately and effectively test GM foods?

From the birth of the world's first genetically modified crop (tobacco) in 1983, the GM-transgenic tomato developed by the Monsanto Company of the United States was approved for marketing in the United States in 1994. The research and development of genetically modified foods has developed rapidly, and the variety and output of the GM have also doubled. . As an emerging biotechnology means, modern molecular biology technology , its immaturity and uncertainty make the safety of genetically modified foods the focus of attention.
So far, science and technology have not reached the level of being able to fully understand the new products produced after the introduction of new genes. In addition, due to the introduction or recombination of new genes, whether it will have a certain impact on the nature of the original organisms, and whether there is a potential danger, the so-called "gene pollution", is still inconclusive. There is currently no absolute evidence of whether a genetically modified food is at risk. At present, accurate and effective detection technology can distinguish between genetically modified and non-GM foods, selective labeling of genetically modified foods, and restrictions on the amount of genetically modified foods.
At present, there are many qualitative and quantitative methods for genetically modified components, mainly including exogenous nucleic acid detection and exogenous protein detection . The former is mainly qualitative PCR, quantitative PCR, gene chip, etc., the latter is mainly ELISA and Western hybridization in immunological detection. This article summarizes the characteristics and advantages and disadvantages of various detection methods, and highlights how to use Molecular Devices multi-microplate reader (microplate reader) and software to effectively detect and analyze the genetically modified foods at the protein level.
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