The best time for lambs to wean

Lambs were weaned prematurely and the lambs had a significant stress response, which showed a reduction in disease resistance and increased incidence. Weaning is too late, making the ewes poorly fed, reducing the utilization rate and increasing the cost of breeding. The weaning of lambs is mainly based on the milk production of the ewes and the physiological development of the lambs.

1. After ewes lambing, reach the peak of lactation in 2-4 weeks. The amount of lactation within 3 weeks is equivalent to 75% of the total amount of total lactation in the whole period. After that, the amount of lactation is significantly reduced. Therefore, the breast milk secreted by the ewes after 60 days of age It has not been able to meet the nutritional needs of the lamb's rapid growth and development.

2. The ruminal development of lambs can be divided into: no rumination stage from 3 weeks to 3 weeks old, 3 to 8 weeks transitional stage and ruminant stage after 8 weeks old. Studies have shown that lambs can slowly digest plant feed after 3 weeks of age. At 7 weeks of age, the activity of maltase is gradually revealed. The activity of pancreatic lipase reaches the highest level at the age of 8 weeks, making it possible for lambs to use whole milk. At this time, the rumen is fully developed and can eat and digest a large amount of vegetable feed. Therefore, the theory holds that early weaning is more reasonable at 8 weeks of age. However, some experiments have shown that the 40-day weaning of lamb does not affect its growth and development, and the effect is not significantly different from the conventional 3-month-old weaning. Weaning is also done 45-50 days after birth, feeding plant feeds after weaning or grazing on quality artificial grassland.

3. Lambs feed on plant foods such as dietary foods earlier, which can promote the development of digestive organs of lambs, especially rumen, promote the ability of lambs to feed forages earlier, and improve the lambs' feeding during late cultivation. The utilization of quantity and roughage can also establish the dynamic balance of digestion and metabolism in the rumen of lambs.

Considering comprehensively, it is considered that the lamb is suitable for weaning 48-56 days or weaned when the live weight of the lamb increases to 2.5 times of the birth weight.

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