Can vitamin c be eaten daily?

People's health can not be separated from all kinds of vitamins, once the lack of a long-term vitamin, it will lead to disease to come.

Can vitamin c be eaten daily?

1, vitamin c can eat every day

In general, vitamin C tablets are taken orally, when used to supplement vitamin C, adults 50-100 mg a day; when used to treat vitamin C deficiency, adults once 100-200 mg, 3 times a day, children's day 100 -300 mg for at least 2 weeks; in addition, some health-care vitamin C tablets (for example, Yang Sheng Tang Natural Vitamin C Chewable Tablets) are recommended to be taken in two doses, taking 1 capsule each after breakfast and lunch, because vitamin C is Water-soluble vitamins need to be replenished every 3-4 hours.

Tests have shown that once a day oral vitamin C 4 grams, one week later, there may be urinary tract calcium oxalate stones and kidney stones.

2, pharmacological effects of vitamin C tablets

The drug participates in the formation of antibodies and collagen in the body, tissue repair (including some redox effects), metabolism of phenylalanine, tyrosine, folic acid, utilization of iron and carbohydrates, synthesis of fats, proteins, and maintenance of immunity Functional, hydroxylated serotonin, maintains the integrity of blood vessels and promotes the absorption of non-heme iron.

3, excessive vitamin C harmful

It was previously thought that the toxicity of vitamin C was so small that even if it was taken orally, only mild nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. occurred. However, clinical observations and animal experiments in recent years have shown that long-term excessive use of vitamin C can cause a series of adverse reactions. See a variety of domestic and foreign data, are summarized as follows: The University of California reported that anyone who wants to increase resistance to colds and long-term use of vitamin C, the body's vitamin C content instead decreased. This is due to the large dose of vitamin C in the body to change the regulatory mechanism, accelerate the decomposition and excretion of vitamin C, once stopped, can lead to drug withdrawal, early symptoms of scurvy, such as gum swelling, bleeding, loose teeth, etc. . Growing children with large doses of vitamin C can make children susceptible to bone disease in the future.

The role of vitamin c

1, the therapeutic effect of vitamin C. Healing injuries, burns, and bleeding gums; enhancing the effectiveness of medications for the treatment of urinary tract infections; accelerating post-operative recovery; and helping reduce cholesterol in the blood.

2, the role of vitamin C to enhance immunity. White blood cells are rich in VC, and when the body is infected, the VC inside the white blood cells is drastically reduced. VC can enhance the chemotaxis and deformability of neutrophils and increase the bactericidal capacity. Promote the production of lymphoblasts and increase the recognition and killing of foreign and malignant cells. Involved in the synthesis of immunoglobulins. Prevention of viral infections and bacterial infections and enhancement of immune system functions; anti-cancer effects; reduction of thrombosis in veins; treatment of common colds with preventive effects.

3, vitamin C's whitening beauty effect. Vitamin C's Skin Benefit Many vitamin C ingredients are added to whitening products because they help the skin resist UV rays, prevent dark spots and freckles, and are considered extremely whitening.


What to take vitamin c is good

cold. If you feel that you are about to catch a cold or you have a cold, the daily intake of vitamin C can be increased to 2000 mg to 3,000 mg, which will help increase immunity and relieve cold symptoms. However, it is recommended to take a small dose of 100 to 500 milligrams each time. The rate of absorption of multiple intakes is better, and more water should be added to accelerate the excretion of oxalic acid, which also helps recovery of the cold.

High pressure, tension. In a high-pressure, stressful environment, the adrenal glands secrete cortisol and epinephrine to fight stress. In making these hormones, the nutrient that is first consumed is vitamin C. In the absence of vitamin C, the animal's adrenaline will shrink, resulting in physical and mental fatigue and resistance to stress. However, if there is sufficient vitamin C, there will be sufficient pressure resistance. At this time, it is recommended to take 200 mg to 300 mg of vitamin C a day to help the body fight stress.

PM2.5 is seriously polluted. When the air pollution is serious, you can add more vitamin C, because PM2.5 not only cause cardiovascular disease, lung disease, but also lead to liver inflammation, recommended daily intake of 200 mg to 300 mg of vitamin C, can help the liver detoxification.

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