• The latest TSQ 8000 Evo in this series of GC Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers is the world's most advanced gas chromatograph mass spectrometer for high-throughput target compound quantification, screening and common organic analysis problems • TSQ 8000 Evo Complete Can replace traditional single-stage GC-MS for any GC/MS and GC-MS/MS applications that require extremely high sensitivity and complex matrices
Application Case 1: Food Safety - Pesticides
TSQ 8000 Evo analyzes 666 pesticide total ion flow diagrams with Timed-SRM at a time
• Pesticides
Broadly defined refers to a substance used to prevent, destroy or control diseases, insects, grasses and other harmful organisms that endanger agriculture and forestry, as well as chemically synthesized or derived from organisms and other natural substances that purposefully regulate the growth of plants and insects. Or a mixture of several substances and their preparations. It refers to a generic term for a class of drugs used in agricultural production to protect and promote the growth of plants and crops, and to kill insecticides, sterilize, and kill harmful animals (or weeds). Specifically, it is used in agriculture to control pests and diseases, and to regulate plant growth, weeding and other agents.
Partial Timed-SRM method settings
Column: Trace TR-5MS 30 m × 0.25 mm ID × 0.25 μm
Inlet: PTV Splitless
• Multi-residue analysis
Currently, many international standards set detection limits of 10 μg/kg or even lower for hundreds of pesticide residues in food. In 2006, Japan announced a positive list system for the maximum residue levels (MRLs) of approximately 400 pesticides in hundreds of foods, setting the same standard for 10 μg/kg for chemicals with no MRLs; The European Parliament Implementation Regulation (EC) No. 396/2005 integrates the maximum residue levels of all pesticides in EU member states, and sets a standard of 10 μg/kg for pesticides without maximum residue levels; among the national standards issued by China on pesticide residues, There are also more than 500 pesticide residue levels that are strictly limited. The mandatory national standard for the Maximum Residue Limits of Pesticides in Foods, which will be released on March 1, 2013, limits the 2,293 residue limits of 322 pesticides in 10 categories of agricultural products and food.
1. Broad Scope Pesticide Screening in Food Using Triple Quadrupole GC-MS David Steiniger, Jason Cole, Paul Silcock, and Alex Semyonov Thermo Fisher Scientific, Austin TX, USA
Application Case 2: 666 pesticide residues detection in rice
Total ion flow diagram of 666 pesticides
Gas chromatography method:
Column: Trace TR-5MS (length 30 m × inner diameter 0.25 mm × film thickness 0.25 μm )
Inlet: PTV splitless initial temperature: 75 °C
No split time: 2 min
Cleaning procedure: 14.5 °C / s (up to 330 °C)
The column oven is kept at 90 °C for 5 min , raised to 180 °C at 25 °C /min , then raised to 290 °C at 5 °C /min , and then raised to 300 °C at 10 °C /min for 5 min .
Transmission line temperature: 250 °C
Mass spectrometry method: ion source temperature is 300 °C, using Timed-SRM method
Segmented SRM scan (left) vs. Timed-SRM (right)
Sensitivity results for both collision pools increase with increasing scan speed (traditional collision pool scan speeds up to 200 SRM/s ). However, compared to the traditional collision cell, the fast collision pool scans four times faster under the same sensitivity . At the same scanning speed ( 200 SRM/s ), the sensitivity of the fast collision cell is 3.5 times higher.
• More advanced scanning methods:
Compared to the segmented scanning method, Timed-SRM can avoid the collection of unnecessary ion pairs and make more efficient use of the dwell time.
Faster scanning speeds allow for more ion pairs to be added, making the method more selective, allowing for more characterization of the substrate while better suppressing matrix interference, making it easier to apply more types of samples. Evo cell technology allows 5496 ion pairs to be included in a single method . The average LOD of the 262 pesticide components thus obtained was 1.84 ppb . The average collision cell has an average LOD of 2.63 ppb under 1300 ion pairs . This shows that the capacity of the method can be achieved by increasing the scanning speed.
Fast scanning speed
The original Evo Cell technology enables the TSQ 8000 Evo to scan at speeds of up to 800 SRM/s . The TSQ 8000 Evo is therefore capable of combining fast chromatography, increasing the number of ion pairs, increasing the number of components and being compatible with fast GC .
1. Broad Scope Pesticide Screening in Food Using Triple Quadrupole GC-MS David Steiniger, Jason Cole, Paul Silcock, and Alex Semyonov Thermo Fisher Scientific, Austin TX, USA
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