9 therapeutic remedies for tomatoes
1. Treatment of hepatitis D with tomato spoon, celery, carrot, lard each half spoon, mixed with boiling rice porridge cooked hot, add salt, monosodium glutamate amount of food.
2. Retreat high fever with tomato juice and half a cup of watermelon juice mixed drink, drink 1 cup per hour, you can retreat high fever.
3 treatment of skin diseases with fresh ripe tomatoes peeled and smashed the affected area after the child, 2-3 times a day, can cure fungi, infectious skin diseases.
4. Prevention of heat stroke l ~ 2 tomatoes, sliced, add salt or sugar a little, Jiantang on behalf of the tea, hot and cold can prevent heatstroke.
5. Treatment of anemia with tomatoes, apples, 1 each, 15 grams of sesame seeds, once eaten, I ~ 2 times a day, long-term adherence, the effect is obvious.
6. Treatment of gingival bleeding with tomatoes on behalf of the fruit to eat, 4 (about 250 grams) a day, even for more than 2 weeks to bear fruit.
7. Beauty anti-aging With freshly cooked tomatoes smashed juice, add a little sugar, coated with the surface every day, can make the skin delicate and smooth, anti-aging beauty effect is excellent.
8. Treatment of hypertension every morning, choose l ~ 2 freshly cooked tomatoes fasting wrapped in sugar to eat, blood pressure lowering effect.
9. Treatment of patients with mild peptic ulcer disease, will be squeezed tomato juice and half a cup of potato juice mixed drink, sooner or later, and even served 10 times, ulcers can be more.
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