The tongue of TCM tongue diagnosis reflects spleen and stomach health

The tongue coating reflects the spleen and stomach health status

Without regular eating habits, eating spicy foods and so many people suffer from stomach problems. We don't want to wait until the stomach really has a problem and then take care of it. In daily life, we must carefully observe the symptoms that the body gives us, such as the state of tongue coating. Shandong Zibo Gufang Institute of TCM Disease Research believes that tongue coating can reflect the health status of the spleen and stomach. The Ancient Chinese Medicine reportedly recommends that we take a look at how tongue coating reflects disease.

Thick fur with tongue

If a person has a very thick tongue all year round and has a breath, it usually indicates that the stomach is a little problem. If there are no other uncomfortable feelings at the moment, start with the diet and daily life. After a period of nursing, abnormal tongue coating and tone are expected to heal.

The tongue is dark and sticky

If only this abnormal tongue coating is seen and the tip of the tongue is normally light red, and there is no other obvious discomfort, it sometimes belongs to the phenomenon of "dyeing." The above conditions are not morbid and do not need to be nervous. However, patients with heavier stomach conditions usually noticed that black moss must be vigilant. If the tip of the tongue is dark red or even purple, it means that the condition is getting worse and should go to the hospital in time.

Tongue coating

Some people's tongue on the surface of the tongue appears irregular pieces of "map" change, in some places there are thin moss, and some places smooth and no moss, which is called "map tongue." Such tongue imagers do not have any discomfort and are mostly physiological changes without treatment. If there are chronic stomach problems or other chronic diseases, there has never been such a tongue image before. The “map tongue” is mostly manifested as yin deficiency and needs timely medical attention.

Cracked tongue

Some people still have many "cracks" on the tongue surface. Most of them have no tongue coating and are called "cracked tongue." If there is no discomfort, it is also physiological and requires no treatment. If there is a cracked tongue after serious illness, the tongue is red and there is no feeling of discomfort, and it is also yin deficiency. It needs to be treated with drugs.

There are teeth on the tongue

Some people are hypertrophied, tongues are fat, and there are tooth marks on the tongue and thin white tongue coating. If there is no obvious discomfort, it is too fat. Chinese medicine theory believes that "fat people are more phlegm and dampness." Fat people have relatively insufficient spleen and stomach transport function, and the digestion and absorption of food are prone to obstacles. These people must eat less oily, non-digestible foods, eat more vegetables, fruits, and light foods, and exercise properly. If the tongue is thick and greasy, there are tooth marks on the tongue, do not want to eat, abdominal fullness is full, then thin, it is a dampness excessive Sheng, in the light and easy to digest food should also be combined with drug treatment.

Red tongue thick constipation

Some people do not understand the stool for a few days, bad breath, thick tongue, red tongue, urine yellow, this is a stomach fire Sheng. Stomach fiery Sheng Sheng, Qi Shang Shang, fumigation mouth tongue, it appears bad breath, tongue yellow, heat injury body fluid, intestinal dehydration, it appears dry stool. At this point you can take rhubarb, berberine, yellow peony, hawthorn and other traditional Chinese medicine heat purging fire, in the diet need to avoid alcohol, eat spicy hot foods, such as pepper, lamb, etc., eat more vegetables, fruits and light food, drink water.

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