Benefits: Visually impaired people can also buy tickets at Alipay

At the beginning of April, the iPhone version of Alipay quietly launched an "invisible" optimization function on its ticket purchase page.

Visually impaired people can also buy tickets at Alipay.

This update on the Alipay ticket page is not for viewing, but for listening. In order to facilitate the visually impaired, dyslexia and some elderly people to buy tickets, Alipay engineers use Apple's VoiceOver voice function, so that all content on the ticket page can be read out by voice, helping users to choose smoothly without seeing the situation. And buy a ticket. The user needs to enable this function through the setting sequence of "iPhone Settings - General - Accessibility - VoiceOver Open".

VoiceOver is a voice-assisted program built into Apple devices. A classic application is to broadcast the song name and singer on the iPod Shuffle music player without a screen to guide the user.

A large number of complex and dynamic content on the ticket page can be accurately identified, and developers of Ali and Ant Financial have introduced a web-based accessibility specification called WAI-ARIA. The specification addresses visual deficiencies, deafness, or mobility impediments, enabling screen readers to accurately identify content and changes for unobstructed use.

It is understood that the developers of Ali and Ant Financial will soon apply WAI-ARIA to the Android version of Alipay, and combine the screen reading software to achieve the same accessibility functions on the Android platform.

In addition to the ticket, the accessibility development of Alipay train ticket purchase is also carried out at the same time.

According to statistics, China's current visually impaired people are close to 20 million. It is estimated that the number of visually impaired people will reach more than 50 million in 2020. The number of elderly people over 60 years old in China has exceeded 200 million. Many elderly people's eyesight is not enough to cope with smartphone screens.

"It's not that hard. It just needs to add code and do some optimizations, so that they can use Internet products like everyone else." A programmer who participated in the development said, "Let visually impaired users also I feel that it is a good thing to buy a ticket train ticket smoothly."

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