A variety of medicines can be used to remove wheat crops

Netizen wins and sends WeChat: Wheat cows are more difficult to remove, what kind of medicine is effective?

Clear water: General use of fluopoxet can effectively control this weed, wheat can also be applied in the middle and late filling. In the period from the fourth leaf stage to the jointing stage of wheat, the combination of 2-methyl-4-chloro- fluoxyl with herbicides was more stable. U.S. Dow AgroSciences' wheat field herbicide Ruichao Mai Fluoro-Chlorofluoride has a good control effect on C. communis. The company's upcoming chlorofluoropyrrolide and chlorofluoropyridinate compounding agent is also very effective for the control of C. edulis, and when the temperature is high, a significant effect can be seen within 3 days after the application of the herbicide. The leaves are twisted.

Zi Sheng: In late February of this year, 45 grams of fluopoxet and 2 A 4 chlorine were used per acre. 15 ml of Fluoxetine was added, and 15 kg of water was sprayed and weeded.

Clear water: Fluvafloxacin has a poor control effect on cattle. You did not specify the content of fluopyron and 2A 4 chlorine products used. Calculated at a content of 200 g/l and 56% respectively, the amount of drug used is already large. 15 kilograms of water per acre, less, and 30 kg per acre of water spray control may be better. In addition, if some of the cattle in the field are not found at the time of application, the control effect will be affected. If the herbicides have poor herbicidal effects after the normal application of these drugs, it is advisable to use a high-potency herbicide such as chloropyridinate for the appropriate period.

Zi Sheng: The content of chlorofluoropyroxyacetic acid and 2 A 4 chlorine were 20% and 56%, respectively. When we spray here, the amount of water used is less, and it is recommended that multiple water users do not adopt it. Later consider using Chunjie or Ruichao Mica and fluoxyline for weeding. In addition, the use of 2A 4Cl and clodinafop-propellate in wheat fields has no effect.

Clear water: There may be a large amount of clodinafop-propargyl esters, or grass-grass weeds in the field are sensitive to clodinafop-propargyl, so the herbicidal effect is not affected, and the seedlings are larger and the temperature is higher when the pesticide is applied. If the weeds are large and resistant, the weed control effect will be affected, and the amount of clodinafop-propargyl esters will be large, especially when the application of the drug is severe in the short term after application, it is prone to phytotoxicity, and the addition of 2A and 4C will aggravate the injury. In addition, the damaged wheat seedlings are not easy to recover and have a great impact on the yield. A small area of ​​drug use a year, some problems can not be revealed, waiting for a large area of ​​phytotoxicity, the loss will be very large and difficult to clean up. In the past few years, the production of clodinafop-propargyl pesticides has occurred every year. In the spring, the damage caused by phytotoxicity is even greater, so be careful.

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