What does the heart care for?

The incidence of heart disease has also remained high. What can we effectively prevent disease? Let's take a look at the foods that are best for heart health so that you can add them to your diet in a timely manner and escort your heart health.



Oat contains a lot of cellulose, and contains very low sugar content, which can continue to recharge the body, and can make people have a long-lasting fullness, it has now become a popular food for weight loss. In addition, it can also soften blood vessels, so it is also extraordinary for prevention and treatment of heart disease. Note that when eating oats, it is best to eat some raisins, apples, honey and other foods at the same time, this can add some flavor, but also add some nutrients, but also enhance the heart's function.


Some people may think that walnuts contain a lot of fats and oils, which can be very harmful to health. In fact, this is a misunderstanding because most of the fats contained in walnuts are unsaturated fats. Eating properly is beneficial to the health of the body. There are many ways to eat walnuts. They can eat 1-2 meals a day, or they can be placed in porridge or added to other foods.


We all know that tofu made from soybeans can lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. If there are 25 grams of soy protein in the diet, it can provide 50-60 mg of soy isoflavones, which can significantly reduce LDL levels, thus maintaining the health of the heart.

kidney bean

Like many beans, beans are a low-fat, high-fibre protein source, rich in vitamins, and low in sugar, and do not contain cholesterol, so it is a very suitable food for heart care. Chickpea, a low-fat, high-protein legume, is also a nutritional supplement, and because it is sweet, it can be used with any kind of food. Chickpeas are rich in cellulose, iron and vitamin E, which are important for maintaining the health and vitality of the heart.


Whole-grain barley is rich in soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, which is very useful for preventing and drying stool. As a good source of protein, barley can also provide us with a large number of minerals and trace elements, these nutrients for the prevention of arteriosclerosis and heart disease, the significance is extraordinary.


Apple is a kind of fruit that we eat the most and it has a good health care function. Recent studies in the United States show that those who regularly eat apples or drink apple juice have a significantly reduced risk of heart disease. This is because apples contain a lot of antioxidants, which can prevent arteriosclerosis in the heart and reduce the content of (bad) cholesterol LDL in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack.


Bananas contain a large amount of potassium and magnesium ions, of which potassium ions have a role in regulating the balance of water and electrolytes in the body, using protein repair to destroy the tissue, constraining the excitatory impulses of neuromuscular and protecting blood vessels, reducing blood pressure and the incidence of stroke, etc., magnesium ions The cardiovascular system has a protective effect, can help reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease, and can prevent a variety of arrhythmias. Therefore, all patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should always eat bananas.

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