The relationship between fertilization and vegetable quality

There is a close relationship between the quality of vegetables and fertilization, and the quality of vegetables can be improved through regulation and control. Insufficient or excessive nutrients can affect the quality of vegetables. For example, insufficient supply of nitrogen causes the growth of vegetables to be insufficient, small and yellow leaves; the lack of calcium and boron can lead to fruit deformities. The balanced supply of nutrients can also directly affect the formation of vegetable flavors. For example, excessive application of nitrogen will make cucumbers bitter; nitrogen will also affect the synthesis of capsaicin and capsaicin, which are the spicy flavors of capsicum; The palatability of the melons is deteriorating; the balanced supply of nitrogen, potassium, and sulphur and other elements can promote the production of special flavors of cabbage and cabbage and other vegetables; the formation of special flavors of onion, scallion and garlic are closely related to the supply of vegetables.

The nutritional quality of vegetables is closely related to the supply of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. For example, nitrogen can increase the protein, amino acid and carotene content of vegetable plants; applying calcium under salt stress conditions can increase the yield of cucumber and increase the content of soluble sugar. The supply of potassium plays an important role in the growth and development of some vegetables, and it can also increase the vitamin C content. The application of mineral elements makes vegetables increase the content of trace elements that have an important effect on the human body.

The increase of nitrate content in leafy vegetables is mainly related to the excessive application of nitrogen. Appropriate selection of nitrogen fertilizer and appropriate application of nitrogen can produce vegetables containing almost no nitrate. Other nutrient elements also play an important role in the nitrate metabolism of vegetable plants.

This shows that vegetable soil testing and formula fertilization is an important measure for improving the quality of vegetables and increasing production and income.

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