How to Increase the Survival Rate of Strawberry after Transplanting

“The temperature in winter is low, the survival rate of strawberries in the greenhouse after transplanting is not high, and the fruiting and fruiting in the later period are few. How can these problems be solved?” In recent days, villagers planting winter strawberries in Letai Village, Changchi Town, Nanjiang County inquired. In response, He Jia, the head of the county's agriculture bureau agronomist and Jingzuo Station, gave an answer.

Regulate temperature and humidity

The film insulation is started at the beginning of November. When the temperature drops to 5°C at night, a shed should be added to the greenhouse. When the minimum temperature at night falls below 0°C, a small ring should be placed on the strawberry ridge.

Since the results of flowering in greenhouses are continuous and cross-cutting, the temperature in the general greenhouse after the budding should be kept at 24°C-28°C during the daytime, 6°C-8°C at night, and the temperature cannot be higher than 30°C, otherwise it is not conducive to strawberries. The flowering result.

Air humidity in the greenhouse should be kept below 75%. If the humidity is too high, it will hinder flowering and pollination, and it will easily cause diseases, and it will cause gray mold and rotten fruit. If the humidity is too high, you can open the door to the ventilation at 9:00 pm on sunny days.

Cover film inhibits weeds

After the completion of weeding, cultivating soil, bacon, and replenishing seedlings, a black mulch film is laid on the ridge plant to maintain soil moisture, inhibit weed breeding, reduce air temperature in the shed, and isolate contact between the strawberry fruit and the soil. Reduce disease, keep the fruit bright and clean.

Laying method: Cover the black mulch on the ridge plant, tear a hole in the mulch, and carefully pull out the leaves. Be careful to expose the center leaves of the seedlings.

Finishing the plants

In greenhouse, strawberry growth accelerates plant growth, and a large number of tillers and stolons should be germinated. These tillers and stolons should be removed in time to increase the area of ​​the main stem and leaf, promote the top buds to germinate in time, and take a strong and robust crest, resulting in early flowering. In general, a strawberry retains at most 1-2 more robust births, and removes old, decayed and diseased leaves in time.

Shu Lei Shuhua

Strawberry is an inflorescence and it has many flowers. The development and opening process of these flowers consume many nutrients, especially flowers with higher grades. Even if fruit set, it is of poor fruit quality and has no economic value. Therefore, buds should be sparsed as soon as possible. flower. Generally this work can be carried out after flowering. In order to leave 1, 2 and 3 grade flowers as the main species, the 4th and 5th grade flower buds and fruit that suffered severe flowering and deformity were removed. In general, the top inflorescence of each strawberry has 6-7 pieces of fruit. The amount of fruit left in each inflorescence will depend on the growth and harvest conditions. After the total size, fruit size should not exceed 15 at the same time. The removal of old leaves and harvested peduncles at any time in conjunction with sparse buds and sparse flowers.

Top dressing management

Greenhouse strawberry dressing is generally applied 2-3 times after planting a living tree and covering the black mulch. An area of ​​180 square meters of sheds is once poured with 1-1.5 kg of urea in about 500 kg of water. After the top dressing, the roots were topdressed according to the seedling potential, spraying 20 kg of urea at a concentration of 0.5% per acre.

Prevent malformation

The occurrence of malformed fruit is mainly caused by many factors such as temperature, humidity, wind force, and improper spraying, and it is generally caused by poor pollination. Therefore, to strengthen the insulation and dehumidification of greenhouses in winter, as far as possible to avoid the spraying of flowers in the inflorescences of the 1-2 inflorescences, and in the shed to foster bees pollination, reduce the formation of malformed fruit.

Pest Control

The strawberry pests and diseases in greenhouses are mainly controlled by agriculture, supplemented by chemical control. Diseases and insect pests can be prevented through the selection of disease-resistant varieties, cultivation of virus-free strong seedlings, high-ridge planting, mulching, rational rotation, soil cleaning, drought avoidance, and high humidity. If diseases are found, care should be taken not to use drugs before and after flowering, so as not to affect pollination and increase malformed fruit, high-efficiency, low-toxicity, low-residue pesticides should be selected, and pesticide dosages and safety intervals should be strictly controlled. If botrytis occurs, use 25% carbendazim WP 300 times spray.


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