Pumpkin can't eat with these foods

The nutritional value of the pumpkin is very rich, and there are many pumpkins, the taste is very delicious, so it is deeply loved by people. But when eating pumpkin, you must also pay attention to some dietary errors, otherwise it will damage your health. Today Xiao Bian tells everyone to pay attention to these 6 taboos when eating pumpkins, so let's have a look.


1, pumpkin + spinach

Pumpkin is rich in vitamin C decomposing enzymes, it will destroy the vitamin C in spinach, and its nutritional value will also be reduced.

2, pumpkin + sweet potato

Both pumpkin and sweet potato are easy-stagnant foods. If they are not cooked, they will cause bloating. If the two people share the same food, they will cause flatulence, abdominal pain, and vomiting acid.

3, pumpkin + lamb

Pumpkin and mutton are hot things. Eating together may cause bloating, constipation and other diseases. People suffering from infectious diseases and fever are unfit for human consumption to prevent their condition from getting worse.

4, pumpkin + vinegar

Acetic acid will destroy nutrients in the pumpkin and reduce its nutritional value.

5, pumpkin + octopus

Hairtail is rich in high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, and DHA, vitamin A, vitamin D, etc. It has functions such as tonic, liver-enhancing, and promoting milk production, but it is unfavorable to eat with pumpkin.

6, pumpkin + red dates

Jujube rich in vitamin C, sweet and warm, eat more easily indigestion, and pumpkin temperature, both with the food is not only the destruction of vitamin C, but also aggravate indigestion and other symptoms.


Food taboos for pumpkin

1, pumpkins may also become allergens, so allergic to pumpkin should not eat pumpkin porridge. People who are allergic to pumpkins can cause skin irritation, recurrent diarrhea, indigestion, headaches, sore throat, asthma and other allergic symptoms. Therefore, such people should avoid eating pumpkin and pumpkin products.

2, pumpkin warm, eat more will help moist heat, so the stomach heat flaming, full of qi stagnation, damp heat stagnation should eat less, while suffering from athlete's foot, jaundice, qi stagnation damp resistance who do not eat. The above people need to be cautious when choosing pumpkin or pumpkin products.

3, it is not appropriate to eat pumpkin in large quantities for a long time. Because pumpkin contains carotene, if the human body intakes too much carotene, it will be deposited in the stratum corneum. After a long time, our body and skin will turn yellow, like the color of the yellow jaundice, and therefore suffer from jaundice. People should not eat pumpkin.

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