There are more than 1,000 varieties of traditional Chinese medicines. Among the 1,000 kinds of traditional Chinese medicines, only one blind medicine is "Bububuqi" and "make up five organs." This is ginseng. Li Shizhen once said in his book “Compendium of Materia Medica†that “Ginseng is a good treatment for men and women with all kinds of mutism.†According to Chinese medicine, ginseng has a natural taste, it has vitality, Fumai solid and remove, Spleen Yifei, Shengjinzhike, soothe the nerves. Puzzles and other effects, known as "the king of 100 supplements." People like to put some ginseng when they are making soup or when they make wine. But do you know that ginseng is good and has a good boost to the body, but not all people are suitable for taking it. The following people are not suitable for eating ginseng. Let's take a look below.
1, people with strong allergies. If you have a rash after serving, do not take it. Suppurative inflammation is even more difficult to take.
2. Hypertensive patients are those who suffer from liver yang, who may easily cause cerebrovascular accidents after serving. However, ginseng can be used for patients with deficient hypertension, but the amount should be less. When the systolic blood pressure is greater than 180 mmHg, no one type of patient should take ginseng.
3. People who are drinking tea or eating radish should not take ginseng. Because these two kinds of food have a qi effect, and the ginseng fills up the vitality, after tonic their role again, equal to eat.
4, when the cold and fever, generally should not take ginseng. This is because in the process of fever, the body will experience severe palpitations, and after taking ginseng, the blood circulation rate will increase. This will lead to aggravating palpitations, making the problem of cold fever more serious and not conducive to the disease. Recovery may lead to worsening of the disease.
5, due to a sudden feeling of breathlessness, or due to dry heat caused by dry throat, impulse cause vomiting blood, epistaxis and other diseases are banned people from using ginseng.
6, edema caused by hot and humid stasis, even worse after serving bloating. This is because ginseng has an antidiuretic effect. In addition, renal insufficiency with urinary deficiency are also used with caution.
7, insomnia, irritability is a positive person should not take ginseng. If it is the case of insomnia and people with poor sleep quality, Xiaobian does not recommend taking ginseng. Because taking ginseng at this time not only can not improve the quality of sleep, but will make the central nervous system more excited. The cause of insomnia is because the cerebral cortex is too excited and the balance in the body is affected. The ginseng has the effect of increasing the nervous excitement. If ginseng is taken at this time, it will not only promote sleep, but will aggravate the insomnia.
8, where air Sheng, body heat, pulse slip is strong, urine is unreasonable and real heat should not take ginseng.
9. The patient has a dark purple tongue. Chinese medicine believes that the main cause of dark purple tongue is due to blood stasis in the body. If you take ginseng at this time, you will not only be able to play a role in smoothing your blood flow, but will also lead to more serious blood stagnation, resulting in fever and irritability in your hands and feet.
10. Patients with stomach problems. According to studies, many stomach diseases are caused by the infection of Helicobacter pylori, and an active ingredient in ginseng can protect the bacteria and affect the killing effect of the drug.
11. Pregnant women. According to studies, many stomach diseases are caused by the infection of Helicobacter pylori, and an active ingredient in ginseng can protect the bacteria and affect the killing effect of stomach-curing drugs.
In addition, different types of ginseng also have different mechanisms of action. In general, the medicinal properties of American ginseng are cool, and are generally used for heat syndromes such as increased blood pressure and constipation. The ginseng is warm and suitable for cold syndrome. Among them, raw ginseng is used as a supplement, mainly used for syndromes and symptoms of deficiency of both qi and yin.
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