South Fruit Fruits

Banana - Scab

The bananas planted this spring have gradually entered the period of fruit enlargement. They are easily infected with scab, and black spots of needle size appear on the peels, affecting fruit enlargement, ripening, and coloration, causing the fruits to lose luster and become rot-deteriorating. Therefore, attention should be paid to the prevention and cure of scab, in order to protect the fruit.

Control methods During the banana fruit enlargement, pay attention to check the banana fruit. If it is found that there are needle-sized black spots on the peel, it is necessary to spray 2-3 times 8000 times 40% aqueous solution of flusilazole, or 1000 times 70% methyl. An aqueous solution of thiooxamate suspending agent, or 1000 times 80% aqueous solution of chlorothalonil suspension, or 800 times 1.8% aqueous solution of octamine amine acetate, or 600 times of 20% aqueous solution of copper thiazolyl, sprayed once every 10-15 days, Evenly spray all the leaves and banana fruits, and pay attention to spraying on the banana fruits to start dropping drops of water. Within 4 hours after spraying, rainwater should be flushed and it should be sprayed again to improve the control effect.

Papaya - Anthrax

With the continuous enlargement and ripening of papaya fruit, the rind is constantly thinning, it is easy to infect anthrax, and there is a dark brown spot of needle size on the surface of the rind, which continuously expands and becomes yellowish and black when mature. At the same time, it is easily rotted off

Control methods During the expansion and ripening of papaya fruit, if a small black spot of needle size is found on the peel, spray the leaves 2-3 times with 800 times 25% chlorpromazine aqueous solution, or 1000 times 50% diphenyl ether. An aqueous solution of Cycloazole, or 600 times 20% Thousand Copper aqueous solution, or 1000 times 74.1% aqueous solution of copper hydroxide, or 800 times 1.8% aqueous solution of Acetylacetate, is used for prevention and control, spraying once every 10-15 days, evenly spraying wet All the leaves and fruits, in particular, should be sprayed onto the fruit to start dropping drops of water. The spraying should be stopped 15-20 days before harvest to prevent contamination of the fruit. Since papaya anthracnose is resistant to drugs, it is easy to produce drug resistance. Therefore, drugs should be used interchangeably. Do not use the same fungicide more than once.

Dragon Fruit - 瘿螨

When the dragon fruit is delicate, it adsorbs on the skin and harms it. It sucks the juice, forms a wound, secretes a viscous liquid, and then appears yellow-brown felt-like projections on the wound, which not only affects the expansion and ripening of the young fruit, but also threatens fruit accumulation. Sugar and coloring have resulted in significant reductions in both yield and quality.

Control methods When the young fruit of the dragon fruit has just expressed and when the young fruit begins to enlarge, the foliar must be sprayed once 1500 times 5% avermectin solution, or 1500 times 48% chlorpyrifos solution, or 1000 times 5%. Aqueous solution, or 1000 times 10% aqueous solution of butylthiocarbamate, or 1000 times 0.5% aqueous solution of dimethyl disulfide, or 1000 times 0.5% aqueous solution of phenoxyway, uniformly wet all stems and leaves and young fruit, especially It is necessary to pay attention to spraying on young fruit to start dropping drops of water. If it is sprayed on a cloudy day and rain falls within 4 hours after spraying, it should be replaced again. Due to its high drug resistance and resistance to drugs, the drugs must be used interchangeably. Do not use the same drug more than once.

Lemon Tree - Scab

Lemon trees in autumn and winter, whether it is branches or leaves, are very susceptible to scab disease, in the leaves and fruit on the oily yellow-brown wooden cone conical lesions, resulting in the leaves twisted and rolled off and yellow off, the fruit can not fully inflated , thin flesh, lost food value.

Prevention methods During the autumn and winter season, check the branches and leaves of lemon trees and find that the branches and fruits have bumpy and tan-colored spots.

Milk Thistle Extract

10:1 Milk Thistle Powder Milk Thistle Extract is a kind of Milk Thistle Extract and the Key Product of our company. It is a light yellow powder which is extracted, concentrated and dried from the stems and leaves of milk thistle.
Milk Thistle is an annual or biennial herb, native to southern Europe and north Africa, and has been cultivated and used for thousands of years in Europe and Africa, and is a folk medicinal plant. Milk Thistle is widely used as a treatment for liver disease and cardiovascular disease.
Milk Thistle is a yearly or biennial plant herbaceous plant, for plant1-2 years herbaceous plant.To mature seeds for medicinal use, there are antipyretic detoxification, liver protection, gallbladder, brain protection and anti-X ray function;Clinical indications acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, metabolic toxic liver injury, cholelithiasis, etc.
Milk thistle high medicinal value, wide application, our country many pharmaceutical factory, plant extraction plant all kinds of products have been taking milk thistle as the main raw material to produce a market at home and abroad, the sales volume increased, prices WenZhongQuSheng, part of the bravery liver protection and Milk Thistle ,Milk Thistle capsule, bean milk thistle capsules and other proprietary Chinese medicine has become a hot stock market;Seeds and whole grass can be used as medicine.Milk Thistle can clear away heat and detoxify, protect liver and protect liver and resist X ray. It is used for the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver poisoning, Cholelithiasis, etc. In recent years, China's science has found that Milk Thistle also has the functions of lowering blood lipid, protecting myocardium, dilating blood vessels, resisting radiation, anti-platelet and anti-gastric ulcer.

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Shaanxi Kepler Biotech Co.,Ltd ,