3 months minus 50 kg amazing cabbage weight loss

In addition to soymilk diet, tofu diet, there is still cabbage (cabbage that is cabbage) diet! After the doctor tried to live, 3 months quickly lost 25kg! Just eat a diet vegetables can achieve amazing weight loss, You come and try it!

First, the key to the success of this doctor is meat reduction. It is very simple and there are only five principles:

1, will eat about 1/6 cabbage before dinner every day. (It is said to be helpful for improving metabolism.)

2, raw cabbage, add the sauce is not salad dressing, but lemon juice.

3, if the lettuce is tired, you can also add the cabbage to the microwave for 2 minutes and mix it with other vegetables. When the salad is eaten!

4, the most important is that 1 day must take 70g of tofu, fish, milk, eggs or meat, the staple food rice intake is 2/3 less than usual.

5, cooking oil should choose sesame oil, olive oil or perilla oil!

Second, cabbage weight loss effect is amazing? As long as eating a bowl of cabbage before each meal can be thin? This is true?

In fact, 1/6 cabbage before dinner every day can increase satiety and increase the intake of vegetables.

Therefore, it is more important to improve eating habits than it is to lose weight!

Cabbage can improve immunity, prevent cancer and heart disease, and its anti-aging and anti-oxidation abilities are also attracting attention from all walks of life.

Tried the log of cabbage reducer also found that people who lose weight because of this, as most people mentioned is to improve long-term constipation problems.

So if you want to achieve the effect of weight loss, you may still want to fight for a long time to get it!

Third, how to lose weight cabbage?

Cabbage's high fiber can really exclude old waste materials, and the now popular cabbage diet is divided into two types:

1 or 3 meals eat only cabbage instead of dinner.

2, eat a bowl of cabbage before eating, eat dinner.

However, of the two methods, the second one is said to be more effective!

Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, which is good for skin relaxation, fine lines, and constipation.

Because the chewiness of cabbage is enough, if you can chew slowly, you can easily feel full!

When it's cold, it's too cold for raw food, and it can be cooked and eaten, but uncooked cabbage has high nutrition and is good for beauty and beauty.

So it's still recommended to eat with other warm ingredients!

Whether sauce or salad dressing is OK, but pay attention to the amount of seasoning oil and mayonnaise.

Fourth, cabbage weight loss plus eat

With cabbage to lose weight, eat too stress!

In addition to shreds and cuts, when the salad is eaten, it can also be made into a large piece, dip a sauce made of Japanese soy sauce + vinegar into the raw food.

This will not only increase the chewing sensation, but also will be more satiety!

Fifth, the evolution of cabbage soup slimming method, the effect is more amazing?

With the popularity of cabbage weight loss, Japan has recently launched the second wave of new diet weight loss "swallow soup diet."

It is said that this method of weight loss was once a week before the surgery of cardiac surgery.

Day 1: Cabbage Soup + Fruit (But Banana and Avocado NG)

Day 2: Cabbage + Normally Unconditioned Vegetables

Day 3: Cabbage Soup + Fruit + Vegetables (Fully Filled)

Day 4: Cabbage Soup + Skim Milk + Banana 3 (Drink plenty of water on this day and the next day)

Day 5: Cabbage + Meat + Tomato 6

Day 6: Cabbage + Beef + Root Vegetables

Day 7: Cabbage Soup + Dark Rice + Vegetables + Fruit

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