Reasonable pruning and harvesting of eggplant for high yield

Reasonable pruning and scientific extraction of leaves are effective measures to adjust the plant type, coordinate the nutrition of the crops, and control the diseases. It is also a necessary measure to obtain high yield and high quality of shed eggplants. What kind of pruning and picking method should be adopted for shed eggplant.

Pruning eggplants generally use double main branch pruning method. When the eggplant is divided, two shoots with the same growth potential are selected as the main branch. Many vegetable farmers are accustomed to picking up to 1.5-1.8 meters from the main branch of the two results, and then relying mainly on side branch results. And we advocate that eggplants should be continuously picked up and replaced in order to ensure continuous results. Generally, when the plant grows to a height of 1.1 meters, the following strong lateral branch is taken as the new main branch; the second picking is performed when the plant height is about 1.5 meters. In this way, continuous head-switching can not only play the role of dwarfing plants, but also can effectively avoid the occurrence of faults.

Picking leaves is a very important part of the management of the long eggplant. Because reasonable leaf removal can not only reduce nutrient consumption, promote the coloration of eggplant, but also avoid the field dew covered and prevent the occurrence of diseases. However, in practice, many vegetable farmers do not look at the time, blindly picking leaves, so that picking leaves is very unfavorable for the growth of long eggplant.

Of course, removing diseased leaves and old leaves for disease prevention is worth advocating, but there are also degrees of picking leaves. If the top new leaf is not yet fully developed, the leaf's ability to produce nutrients is low, and the new leaf needs a lot of nutrients for growth and needs other leaves to supply. At this time, it is not appropriate to pick leaves. The middle and upper leaves are fully developed and the photosynthetic efficiency is high. The nutrient supply of the manufactured eggplant fruits, roots, and new leaves is the main force of photosynthesis in the leaves and cannot be easily removed. Only the lower old leaves are beneficial to the plants due to the reduction of chlorophyll, the decrease of the enzyme activity, the lack of sufficient illumination, and the limited nutrients produced.

Picking up the leaves can also be carried out in several stages. Do not pick too much at a time, making the lower part of the plant almost a light stalk. At the beginning of the result, the leaves should be picked up less. If the leaves are picked, they must be removed from the bottom to the top. The main branch does not pick leaves before fruit set, because the lower leaves are also responsible for the growth of the nutrient supply root system. If the lower leaves have more eggs or yellow weight, they should be removed in time.

In addition, there is less fertilizer and water, and less flourishing leaves should be picked up; when the weather is dry, the leaves should be taken off. In general, it is appropriate to retain 2-3 leaves in the lower part of the fruit. Now the temperature is still high, and the collateral germination is very fast and it is very easy to cause field cover. So early to remove the chowder, collateral can be early picking heart, to prevent excessive collateral, affect eggplant fruit growth.

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